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  1. #1
    SuperZykra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    El Paso, Texas
    Zykrz Humonculous
    Main Class
    Thaumaturge Lv 50

    Black Mage Lvl. 50 Rotation

    So I wanted to see what all the other Black Mage's rotations were. Any suggestions are welcome to help improve us all!

    Blizzard III>Thunder III (Swiftcast)>Fire III>Fire I (Firestarter Procs between)

    At ~500 mp I cast Blizzard III to start my MP regen. Depending on the amount I will either use Scathe, or immediately cast Thunder II. I only cast Thunder III if I'm consuming a Thundercloud proc or if Swiftcast is off CD

    My main question is if people wait till their Thundercloud procs are about to expire to use them or if, they consume them as soon as the proc. I understand why you would wait, but the more I played the class the more I realized that it would proc several times while I waited for the right moment to use it

    I would love to see the Firestarter proc to stack twice. One thing I hate is cutting the rotation mid cast because the Firestarter proc doesn't appear till halfway through next the Fire I cast. Opinions? Suggestions? Let me know!
    Last edited by SuperZykra; 09-25-2013 at 11:44 AM.

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