I really hope that the next patch is doing something against this. I mean I did a carpenter leeve today and I needed 9 walnut lumber for it. Thats 27 walnut logs. Now a botanist gets an average of 300xp for each walnut log thats around 8100xp. Now as Carpenter I got 2k xp for crafting each piece of lumber thats 18k xp. Then I got another 5k xp for crafting the final product for the leeve. Thats another 45k xp. The leeve reward itself was another 60k xp (not calculating HQ here). So to sum it up:

Botanist: 8100xp
Carpenter: 123000xp

Now crafting these items takes a bit longer than gathering the logs but still the amount of xp a crafter can get is just crazy. So on one hand Botanists level very slow compared to crafters (even with leeves) and on the other hand nothing is really worth it to farm since Botanists spam the market with lots of items noone really needs. They spam the market because it takes too long to level. And as shown above crafters just need a few items to get massive xp.

I also noticed that as weaver. Flax and cotton is very cheap but diremite web and fleece is damn expensive since supply doesn't exceed demand on these items.