Post your macros that you use for your healer. The ones i use the most are the following

Macro 1

/ac "Cure" <me>
Macro 2

/ac "Cure" <2>
Macro 3

/ac "Cure" <3>
Macro 4

/ac "Cure" <4>
With these 4 on my skill bar, i never have to click on someone's name in the party. Just click the macro and the person who is assigned to that party slot will get the heal. This is great so you can keep watch of your sleep target and maintain your heals as well. You can also do the same with all 4 for Cure II as well. The draw back is, it takes up 4 slots on your skill bar. I would only recommend this if you have a hard time playing on the PS3 or are new to healing.

Feel free to post and share your healing macros and spread the love