Hello everyone!

Just wanted to report a little something I experienced yesterday night: spent a good hour working on it and tried to figure out what the problem was but couldn't get around the problem.

It seems like some macros are not working properly depending of which skill you are trying to insert in there. As an example (I play Gladiator) I tried a simple macro for Rampart and everything is fine with the following command:

/ac Rampart <me>

I tried to do the same for Fight Or Flight but for some reason it keeps telling me that the ''macro is not used correctly. I tried probably 50+ different variants of what's below and it's not working at all (without the quote, without the <me>, in one word, etc etc etc):

/ac ''Fight or Flight'' <me>

Any idea what the problem could be here? Or is it macros having problems with certain skills/actions?