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    1.0 Ul'dahn story arc

    I was pretty sick with the flu yesterday and I went back and posted a bunch of stuff about my favorite villain Nael Van Darnus. I saw that Moose wanted someone to help with Ul'dah's story so I gave it a shot. I don't know if anyone else volunteer and I don't want to steal their thunder, but the 1.0 Ul'dah storyline is interested and I was bored. D=

    So... Let's get started! This story line tends to dissipate and fade over time, so I've only included parts that involve the arc. Many lines of text have been excluded and it may be a bit confusing as a result. Please let me know and I'll try to go back and clarify.


    Flowers for All

    We have the parade scene echo. F'lhaminn is handing out flowers, and a Goobbue is paraded through town, while a Gladiator gets ready for... something.

    The Goobbue breaks loose, you and Thancred chase it around town. And it ends up wounding Ascilia's father Warburton.

    A Court in the Sands

    The echo first sounds at the Adventurer's guild. Thancred is here searching for Garleans and reflexively flirting with girls. But that's all we can really discrern at this time. But much discussion goes on through the quest about that flower.

    Velodyna Cosmos is supposed to be extremely rare, a once in a lifetime find according to Momodi. So why were they giving them out everywhere?

    Elocotte explains in the quest "Heart Struck":

    "We wish for you to assist in the large-scale production of counterfeit goods. It is a technique we sometimes employ to confound thieves attempting to steal our relics. For what better place to hide a tree than in the forest?"

    "Ironic, is it not? We seek nothing more than to preserve the integrity of the Eshtaime name, yet we do so by producing false goods."

    Maybe they were giving out fake Cosmos it their efforts to protect the rare flower.

    The Velodyna Cosmos that you had had not begun to wilt and showing up with it got strong reactions from Momodi, Niellefresne and Elecotte. It was the real one.

    The Velodyna has the reputation of warding off monsters too. Too bad it doesn't ward off Niellefresne. After you try to pawn off the flower at the Goldsmith's guild, the echo sounds. Nielle banishes the appraiser from the room and takes the flower for himself.

    Golden Sacrifices

    Momodi: And by the way, remember that flower you sold off to the goldsmiths? Well, seems certain beasts can't stand the things. A ward against monsters is never a bad thing to have on hand, I reckon.

    Momodi: Come to think of it, there was someone in town askin' about them flowers a while back. Ended up gettin' exiled, though, for some reason or another.

    That flower appears to be quite sensitive goods.
    The echo sounds just in time after she thinks about the exile.

    Momodi: That reminds me! The heir of a rather influential Ul'dahn came calling for you, (Thancred).

    Momodi: He and his friends seem to think they have evidence that Garlean spies have infiltrated the city.

    Thancred: An heir? Whomever could you mean, love?

    Momodi: I speak of Niellefresne─aye, he is son to the Eshtaime guildmaster. Seems the shop's proprietor, Lord Lolorito, has taken quite a liking to him, as well. His future is bright as can be with those connections.

    Thancred: I see. Is that the reason why Niellefresne is so often out and about for his clandestine little meetings?

    Momodi: You don't miss much, do you? Aye, the heirs of Ul'dah've been congregating lately to discuss how best to go about dealin' with the Garleans.

    After this, you're sent to the Platinum Mirage where you have the echoscene with Thancred at the card game. He scolds them for their folly in causing the death of Warburton and leaving his daughter with no way to bury him. Niellefresne gets angry and leaves money possibly for hushing up Thancred but, he gives it to Corguevais instead.

    Thancred: Aye, the wager was never about the money. I sought only to confirm my suspicions, and I have done just that─the Syndicate seeks war.

    After this you find that Fl'haminn was looking for you for some reason. You go to find her when, you experience an echo where you find young Ascilia cavorting the desert with F'lhaminn. But that all comes crashing down when Corguevais shows up.

    F'lhaminn: Corguevais? What are you doing here?

    Corguevais: No, it isn't what you─ I brought coin. T-To cover the funeral expenses. I...

    F'lhaminn: I see. But still, surely you must...

    I wonder what F'lhaminn thinks he's doing there. Corguevais leaves after delivering the goods and F'lhaminn tells you:

    F'lhaminn: Perhaps you've heard some of the rumors. About the great danger Ul'dah will soon face?

    F'lhaminn: The truth is, Ascilia's father was returning from Ala Mhigo when he was killed. He was carrying important information, but it died with him. And so now we know nothing.

    * * * * *
    After the echo ends, you head to the Thaumaturge guild to find out about raising the dead for the present-time F'lhaminn. Your conversation with Mumuepo triggers another echo.

    *15 years ago**
    Mumuepo: It is as I have told you, F'lhaminn. There is no way to commune with the dead. At least no way known to us.

    F'lhaminn: There must be something that can be done. This man was on his way to warn us of the dangers threatening Ul'dah. If we don't hear what he knew, it may mean the end of all of us!

    F'lhaminn: We know from what Niel and the others have learned that the man and his daughter came from Ala Mhigo.

    F'lhaminn: They believe that he may have been carrying sensitive information concerning the Empire.

    Mumuepo: Sensitive? You mean news of a Garlean attack? And you think the Empire may have killed him lest their plans be revealed?

    Mumuepo: It makes no matter. The thaumaturgy to accomplish what you desire simply does not exist
    * * * * *
    That's not exactly true.

    The Miner's Guild Quests put Sil'dih on the map.

    Erik the scholar from the monk quests helps us complete the tale.
    Erik: I need hardly mention that Sil'dihn civilization is now centuries dead.
    Erik: Sil'dih was plunged into chaos in the wake of King Lalawefu's demise─or the King of Springs, as he was known. Despite the success of his economic reforms, the tax increases he imposed did not sit well with his subjects. This, coupled with a prolonged sequence of untimely droughts, fomented unrest among the people and in time sparked violent unrest throughout the kingdom.

    Erik: Sil'dih was not alone in its want for water. Ul'dah, too, felt the effects of the droughts. The sultan at the time, Sasagan Ul Sisigan─ Ah! But perhaps you recognize the Ul name? The current sultana, Nanamo Ul Namo, represents the second Ul dynasty. She is Sasagan's distant descendant. Now...where was I? Ah, yes! Right, so, Sasagan ordered an attack on Sil'dih to claim the water resources discovered as a result of Lalawefu's flood control acts.

    Erik: But the royalty and nobility of Sil'dih would not remain idle. They mobilized their nation in the face of this crisis, and the people fought with great tenacity against the Ul'dahn threat. The full strength of both nations met in battle, and the end result was an arduous protracted conflict.

    Erik: Though arguably more desirable than surrender, the ruling Sil'dihn elite took little pleasure in having succeeded in uniting the theretofore querulous citizenry to fight. For despite all they accomplished, every day spent waging war dragged the nation's financial affairs─which you will recall had only just been brought under control─back into the mire.

    Erik: To bring an end to the long military deadlock, Sil'dih devised and set about implementing a perverse yet ambitious strategy.

    Erik: It sought to zombify the deceased among its army, that they might fight again.

    Erik: At first, it appeared to have worked. Yet at the height of hostilities, the Sil'dihns lost control over their necrotic creations. The undead turned on their masters, and before long the zombification had spread to a majority of the population.

    Erik: Ever knowing an opportunity when they saw one, the Ul'dahns grasped this turn of events to justify their war─now proclaiming it a crusade to send these zombies to Thal. After seeing to the extermination of all zombies outside the city, they then sealed the gates of Sil'dih, entrapping both the living and dead within.

    Erik: And that, in brief, is a history of the fall of Sil'dih. I only pray that your feeble mind is able to retain it.
    * * * *
    Back to the Thaumaturge guild 15 years ago.

    Mumuepo: Still, I understand the urgency of your situation. The man's soul belongs to Thal now, but his remains belong to the Ossuary. I will...examine them further.

    F'lhaminn: The Order bought the corpse!? To what end?

    Mumuepo: You needn't lose your composure. And it will do you no good to speak of this to the Syndicate. The Order is within its rights.

    Mumuepo: Was it not I who stepped forward to help when there was no coin to be had for the man's funeral?

    * * *

    Actually no... it wasn't Mumuepo. Why is the Thaumaturge guild taking credit for what Niellefresne and Corguevais did? Well, Nielle's standing there and completely separates himself from the funeral entirely saying he had no hand in any of it.

    Corguevais on the other hand takes a different route:

    Mumuepo: So, you had made this man's acquaintance─this Warburton. And you too hail from Ala Mhigo, do you not?

    Corguevais: I am Ala Mhigan, yes, Master Mumuepo. And I am also at fault for the accident which claimed Warburton's life.

    Corguevais: I therefore humbly ask that you place me in charge of settling his affairs.

    Mumuepo: You are quite the good-natured soul. As a thaumaturge it would be remiss of me to entrust matters of the dead to another... But I suppose exceptions can be made.

    Back in the present time, Momodi warns you that you are walking on thin ice for asking about resurrections.

    Momodi: A thaumaturge came by asking about you not long after that (your asking about raising the dead). Told him you were harmless enough, but you ought know the Order's eye's fixed on you now.

    Momodi: Watch yourself, now. You piss off the wrong person and you're liable to get your arse exiled.

    This is what happens to Corguevais, shortly after he was going to take care of the affairs of Warburton. Ascilia is the only one who knows the secret of the dangers facing Uldah and she's about to fall into the hands of the Thaumaturge guild. So he "kidnaps" her.

    You see this in an echo that's triggered when you go to try to rent a chocobo to handle some Garlean running around the mines supposedly...

    When he's confronted Corguevais says:
    Corguevais: I am only taking her back where she belongs. Her life is forfeit should she stay in Ul'dah.

    Niellefresne: Corguevais... What do you know?

    Greinfarr: Mince no more words, or I'll slice you from throat to belly, I swear it! Answer me straight─what dangers does Ul'dah face?

    Corguevais: Danger enough. I would have uncovered the truth sooner, had you not killed this child's father!

    Niellefresne: The girl's welfare does not concern me. The welfare of Ul'dah, however, does.

    Niellefresne: I must know of this danger you speak of. Is it the Empire? You, this girl, her father, you all hail from Ala Mhigo─that much is clear. If you know anything, I advise you to speak, and quickly.

    Corguevais: The Empire?

    Ascilia: You don't know anything! You'll see! It's something much worse than the Garleans!

    Ascilia: And you're all going to die! All of you!

    Corguevais: Count yourselves among the fortunate. Not many are blessed with the opportunity to behold their final resting place with living eyes.

    (Me: Say Hmmmm...)

    Corguevais: This is the selfsame horn you used to break my spell over the beast at the parade, is it not?

    Then comes the voiced cutscene that depicts Corguevais actually leaving Ascilia behind and making a quick get away with the two Lala-twins in hot pursuit.

    In unreleased dialogue (Thanks Vil!)

    Corguevais says:

    "With me Lass!" They run for the chocobos but Ascilia falls for no reason. "Ascilia! No! I cannot fail here. Not here, not now. Forgive me Warburton."

    I can't say that this makes much more sense than before.

    After the Echo ends and you're back in Ul'dah present time.

    Whatever business with a Garlean running around the mines has been taken care of by the Lala twins.

    They're headed to the Phrontistery, you follow them.
    * * * *
    The echo resumes just as Damilliot faints in a hall. Our conspirators seem to be confused. Corguevais was the Garlean spy? Niellefresne can't seem to believe that but everyone seems to think that he is and wants to ask Thancred... who's been exiled? For what?

    Niellefresne says "It matters not!" Sure. Nielle appears to have helped exile everyone who has been connected with him and Warburton's death with the exception of his friends.

    The echo ends as Damielliot finishes his trip to the floor.

    Back at the Adventurer's guild there's word of an exile wandering about Black Brush but as soon as you show up to look for him you're pulled into an echo when you mention Corguevais. They've found Thancred.

    Qoqoba: There is talk of a danger fast approaching Ul'dah. Yet all we know is that it may not be the Empire. But if not, then what?

    Thancred: I haven't the slightest notion what you're talking about.

    Greinfarr: Warbuton had the information we seek─the girl's dead father. But he has taken all he knew to the realm of Thal with him. Ascilia herself seems to know something, but won't so much as speak to us.

    Greinfarr: Niellefresne has turned to...our last resort.

    Thancred: He means to give the girl to the thaumaturges? To draw the information out of her with the dark arts?

    Greinfarr: Worse. He means to resurrect the father.

    Thancred is horrified!

    Greinfarr: And in the doing hopes to atone for his hand in the man's death.

    Qoqoba: Niellefresne may come across as callous, but Warburton's death weighs heavily on his soul. He wants nothing more than to make things right.

    Greinfarr: Rhalgr take the thaumaturges! He need only apologize to the girl, the fool!

    Thancred: I see... Well, it would seem I now have the sole answer I have long been looking for.

    Thancred: Ul'dah's warmongering with the Garleans─this is all because this thaumaturgical technique to resurrect the dead is nearly perfected.

    Thancred: Very well. I will ask acquaintances of mine to look into this danger you speak of.

    Thancred: If these dark arts do come to fruition and the dead walk amongst the living, then war will be on us all.

    So Thancred goes to the Ossuary and the echo ends. They found the exile they were looking for in the present time.

    You meet Minfilia in the present and the echo resumes when you ask about Thancred.

    Now we're at the scene of a murder. Niellefresne lies dying and a shard of a crystal lies on the ground. The echo sounds when Ascilia, a witness to the crime, gives it to you.

    The jewel is embedded in a blade wielded by Mumuepo.

    Mumuepo: Lovely, lovely, lovely! A beautiful specimen, truly. With the power of this stone the magic can surely be made.

    Niellefresne: See to it. There is a good deal I would know from this dead man. And not soon enough.

    Mumuepo: Then I shall retrieve the necessary tomes. Make ready your corpse.

    Niellefresne: (to Ascillia) Truth be told, I don't care if you forgive me or not. If we succeed here today, it will make no matter.

    Niellefresne: Once I've asked my questions, I will return your father to you, girl.

    He opens the coffin and...

    Niellefresne: No...
    Niellefresne: This cannot be...
    Niellefresne: It's impossible!
    * * * * *
    I'm not sure what he sees in there. It could be that nothing is in there and the thinks that Warburton is resurrected. He's promptly murdered. The blade falls from his hand and the jewel shatters. I guess his body is ready now... Haha... get it? No...? *sigh*

    The echo ends, and the second star shower occurs, you pass out back into the present. But this is far from over.

    She Walks in Beauty

    Elecotte mentions that the accessories they make are used in the thaumaturgical arts. And that in these trouble times (threats from the Garleans) that art is making a resurgence.

    In "Fl'haminn's flower", she talks about a brooch that's made with a secret method that involves encasing a perfect blossom in glass. It was one of Colbernoux's designs. Colbernoux is Niellefresne's brother.

    "Elecotte: The timeless transcendent beauty of the piece swiftly caught the eye of the Ul'dahn elite and it soon came to be coveted by the royal families of other nations as well."

    Unfortunately, this design helped get the Eshtaime name banned in Gridania

    At the Botanist guild it is explained.

    Opyltyl: There was but one of their kind who respected us and our ways, and he is no more for this world. That Lalafell fiend that styles herself (Me: Looks like I've been confusing proprietor with guildmaster. Yuyune is the guildmaster but I still think Lolorito is important. In fact, he may actually be the Garlean spy.) guildmaster there now had him murdered in cold blood. I've no doubt as to that.

    Once upon a time, Niellefresne's family was the guildmaster of the Goldsmith's guild. Now that honor goes to Lolorito, the so called great associate of Niellefresne that Momodi talked about in the beginning. But why would Lolorito want to kill him?

    "Struck Through the Heart" also explains that Lolorito is in possession of the Heart Strike which has since lost it's powers (15 years ago the jewel shattered)
    Lolorito is asking that he remake/repair the Heartstrike but Colbernoux has no desire to do this. But Elecotte pressures him to do it because it's the only way to give Nielle's soul peace. Colberneuax shows you exactly what he's looking at. An immaculate corpse of his brother. He explains that he comes there often because those learned in the matter say that something divine might happen if he's there but nothing has happened. Like the Velodyna Cosmos, Niellefresne is not wilting. The Heartstrike is said to restore the dead to life, that's why Niellefresne had it and attempted to use it on Warburton to learn secrets about the Garlean Empire in the previous quest. But Colberneux seems unaware of this. And how could he be? The people involved either kept quiet or got exiled or got dead.

    Colberneux explains that down here in the crypt is where the the Heartstrike activated. It was then, at the time of the second starshower and your echo presence that the power of the Heartstrike began to shine.

    You use the Echo to look into this.

    You see that Griellfarr, the Roegey Gladiator from the first cutscene wants to steal the Heartstrike and use it on Niellefresne. Colbernoux tells Grielfarr that Lolorito guards the blade like a man possessed it's clearly precious to him (after all it might be the key to immortality).

    Now, Lolorito is showing up Waaaaay too many times. So I looked up his dialogue.
    * * * *
    I am Lolorito. You have heard of me, yes? All in Ul'dah have.

    I am the proprietor of the East Aldenard Trading Company. You are familiar with Sunsilk Tapestries? Eshtaime's Aesthetics? Both belong to me.

    I do not discriminate where wealth is concerned. I have dealings even with merchants of the Empire. Through them my influence reaches the Garlean elite, with whom I thought it possible to negotiate a peace.

    * * * * *

    In Brother from Another Mother Erik reveals that anything involving the undead is a touchy subject still.

    Erik: There is a location of great interest to me to the west of Mythril Pit T8, which lies south of Camp Drybone. I believe events of great import to the history of Sil'dih transpired there.

    Erik: Sil'dih was......sultan at the time......distant descendant......ordered an attack......

    Erik: ............
    Erik: In an irony of ironies......nation's financial affairs......
    Erik: ...Such fascinating stuff, is it not? It is enough to convince one things could not have happened any other way, no? False!

    Erik: One among my colleagues disagreed with this interpretation of events. He claimed to have evidence suggesting otherwise, but all trace of it mysteriously disappeared just before he was to publish it.

    Far eastern Aldenard is where Ala Mhigo is. From where Erik hails. It is likely that Lolorito is also Ala Mhigan.

    The only other connected people from Ala Mhigo are Ascilia (Minfilia) and Corguevais.
    If Thancred is correct, much if not of this revolves around the resurrection of the dead and Lolorito's pursuit of the ability.

    Lolorito maybe hopes that the offer of eternal life would have been enough to spare the city from Garlean attack... but then Van Darnus shows up and so he ends up helping the Immortal Flames, which is led by Raubahn Aldynn -- Bull of Ala Mhigo.

    As far as 1.0 is concerned, this is where all references to death and resurrection end.


    * * * *

    Not addressed here are any references to the mining incidents. I'm not sure what import they might have, but apparently some mines are actually entrances to where the Sil'dihn zombies are located.

    Also not addressed here is the connection of controlling monsters. It's referenced several times but I can't seem to make the connection between it and the story arc of raising the dead. Perhaps they wish to also master controlling them, but I'm not sure.
    Last edited by HiirNoivl; 04-01-2013 at 04:43 AM.

  2. #2
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    Odd Cutscenes

    Controlling Animals

    Coming back to this for a minute:

    Looking over a Court in the Sands there are some odd cutscenes that I need some help deciphering. Apparently there are TWO parades, the one you witnessed in the echo and another that you didn't see. In the first, you saw the Goobbue got lose and rampaged through town injuring and eventually killing Warburton. Thancred was the one who took credit for at least trying to save the day, while Greinfarr (I've been misspelling his name sometimes) has been pretty useless.

    In the second parade, once again some creatures got lose on their way to exhibition fights. Greinfarr kills nearly all of them this time, earning him the admiration of many but the ire of those who matter and he's threatened with exile. Apparently, he's getting tired of having to deal with those people who don't recognize that he's making a great name for himself and says that maybe getting exiled wouldn't be such a bad idea.

    Both Greinfarr and Niellefresne agree that there should be some reforms. In the meantime, Thancred has Assassin's-Creed'ed his way into the cutscene and mutters about wanting to figure out where the "gatherings" happen to do some info gathering.

    None of this info has Lolorito's paws on it so it's an odd one out that I hope to connect to other things.

    * * * * * *

    Mining Mishaps and Cave ins

    The first mentions of cave-ins happens in the present day scene with Momodi, saying over the linkpearl that poor people often sneak into the mines trying to make off with things. This is against the law. At the Miner's guild you learn that you have to register to the miner's guild to work in the mines. She says if the rules are not enforced it will lead to accidents.

    After she says this Fl'haminn starts to sing. This triggers an echo but I don't hear the woosh that usually accompanies it. Then there's a crash as Corguevais is accused of going into the mines and causing a cave in. Fl'haminn comes to his rescue until the Lala-Twins unceremoniously chuck the loud men out of the bar... I mean guild. Corguevais has caused a lot of trouble and says that he could be expelled from the order and exiled from Uldah. F'lhaminn says she will help him, so it must be that he's with their group and helping them with their plans for glory, but he apparently wasn't even in on the plot to have the monster go berserk in public. So when he finds out the truth he must feel pretty betrayed.

    But that still doesn't explain what he was doing in the mines. And it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the arc in general.

    The echo ends and you're sent out of the city to warn the poor folks about going into the mines in the present day and that punishment for doing so will be increased F'lhaminn joins you to make sure you're listened to. At the camp, you experience an echo and you see Ascilia lying on the ground injured by some monster that attacked her on the way there. Corguevais is there... but wasn't he in the Miner's guild a short while back? She seems out of it but then recognizes Corguevais and starts beating up on him and calling him a murderer for killing her father.

    Of course, this makes no sense how does she even know he has any connection to her dad's death? He doesn't even recognize her at all.

    There's only one conclusion to be had here. Ascilia is experiencing an Echo. But we're outside of it. What's strange also is that her Dad isn't dead yet. Ascilia can not only see the past, but also the future. Her words "You're all going to die" seem to get that much more ominous knowing this.

    Thancred shows up, worried about her. He says that she was seeking out an enemy of her father's. Which is Corguevais according to her own words. Thancred takes her to the Phrontistery where her father is still being treated and Corguevais stands there stunned and asks "Could it be??"

    The echo ends at that point and we get back to the business of the mines and the people getting into them.

    F'lhaminn: The warden of the mines wants only to prevent another great accident like the one we experienced in the past.

    F'lhaminn: You must educate the young ones. Tell them of the disaster―of the suffering and misery it brought upon all, rich and poor alike.

    What disaster in the mines could she possibly be referring to? The Miner's Guild quests don't yield any information at all which is odd. The only reference to the disaster is when Corguevais is being hounded at the guild in the first place, but we don't have that much info on that either other than there was a cave in.

    Helpless Hyur: I do not require counsel on how to educate my people. And you know full well that talk of that incident is forbidden.

    Helpless Hyur: It is not the place of youth to fear. Should the Order at Arrzaneth Ossuary see fit to make an official proclamation, however...

    I guess I have to look through the THM quests to find the answer behind the cave ins?

    Anyway, Momodi talks to you about the cave in (the present day one) and to go to the Phrontistery to help deal with the injured.

    Still in the present time we run into Damielliot's father Faustigeant conversing with the Lala-Twins father Checheroya.

    Faustigeant: Checheroya, what's this about a cave-in at the Nanawa Mines? Gods, tell me it wasn't beyond the restricted area!

    Checheroya: Calm down, everything's fine. I myself patrol that area every day. You need not worry about such a thing happening ever again.

    Checheroya: My boys are looking into it as we speak. Once they're back, I'll have them tell you everything they know.

    Faustigeant: Please do. And what of the thaumaturge? Can we be sure he won't appear again?

    Checheroya makes an ominous gesture. They can't be talking about Corguevais because this is still in the present day. These quests are intentionally ambiguous it seems to make them more confusing than they should be lol.

    Faustigeant gives you the assignment to wander around and stay out of the way. Meanwhile you pass about half a dozen NPCs who can tell you more details of what's going on... if I can find a video of someone talking to them?? If anyone has or knows of a vid where someone talks to the NPCs in this instance please post. D=

    In the meantime, you come into a room and into an Echo scene. Corguevais has found Ascilia who oddly let's him sit there, despite her earlier words. Corguevais is astounded to find that her prediction of her father's death came true! "Gods be good." he says.

    He starts asking about her father, why he came, if he knew anyone.

    Ascilia: H-He said...that Ul'dah was d-dangerous. <sniffle>

    Corguevais: Dangerous? But why? Did he tell you why?

    Corguevais: Of course he didn't, I see.

    Corguevais: And so your father came here to try and tell others? (Italics mine)

    We're still no further than we started with the whole danger business. It may have been that she was trying to say that Ul'dah is in danger instead of saying that Ul'dah is dangerous.

    Corguevais: I never thought it would come to this. I never thought Warburton would die. I must do something!

    Corguevais: I must first contact the superiors.

    Corguevais knows Warburton's name but he didn't know he had a daughter. Maybe that's what his "could it be?" question was about, "Could it be Warburton's daughter?". What's more is his "superiors" the ones setting him up for all this hadn't let them know that Warburton would be in mortal danger. The only superiors I can think of him telling are his superiors are the thaumaturge guild.

    You're out of the echo and Momodi contacts you on linkpearl to tell you that the convenient present day cave in wasn't all that bad after all.

    And with that the quest ends.
    Last edited by HiirNoivl; 03-31-2013 at 07:09 AM.

  3. #3
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    So the questions that still remain are:

    What is the significance of the cave-in events that caused so much suffering in the past?

    What is Greinfarr doing besides trying to be the Parade Hero?

    Is "the thaumaturge" mentioned in the Alchemists Guild Corguevais, the thaumaturge who comes looking for you after you go asking about resurrections, or someone else?

    Why does Ascilia seem to join forces with Corguevais after accusing him of murdering her father, running away, and genuinely expressing dislike of him?

    Why does Corguevais make all this show of kidnapping Ascilia only to abandon her in Ul'dah at the end of it all?

    And of course, who killed Niellefresne??? My only guesses is Corguevais (how'd he even get back there so quickly?) or some random other person who we don't see. Either way it's either the THM guild getting rid of someone with too much knowledge of the undead or Lolorito, trying to continue his quest for immortality as well as parley with the Garleans?

  4. #4
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    First of all, thanks for putting this out. I was working on a similar thing for the Lore Monger but my class projects have overwhelmed my free time and I had to put this on hold ;-;

    I was always under the impression Ascilia joins forces with Corguevais because at some point he reveals his connection to her father...from an outtake I was able to gather that they were in cahoots about *something*. What that something is, we still don't know. He probably promised Ascilia something, and in the end decided against it.

    As for who killed Neille...I don't think it was Courgevais. I'll try to find something that was posted recently that may have been overlooked.

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    I'm glad I could be useful! More than one pair of eyes is much better.

    Can you link to the outtake?

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    I'm trying to find what I think was a clue to Nielle's killer..unless it was a dream LOL

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    I made a correction in my post above.

    (Me: Looks like I've been confusing proprietor with guildmaster. Yuyune is the guildmaster but I still think Lolorito is important. In fact, he may actually be the Garlean spy.)

    More confusion abounds about this...

    Dialogue from Sungi Kelungi

    Lord Lolorito is the proprietor of the Eshtaime name, but he has left all of his dealing to Yuyune, the current guildmaster.

    When the last guildmaster was stripped of his position, the entire upper echelon of the guild was replaced. Such dramas make this city what it is.

    But then on the Little Ladies Day flier:

    So, let us do some casting of our own and find out what young girls are hankering for this season. To guide us through this dynamic market, we turned to Lady Yuyune, proprietor of Eshtaime's Lapidaries and expert on the fashion trends of society at large.

    So... confused.

    Regardless, if Lolorito is the Garlean spy it would be in his interests to keep Warburton quiet. Nielle continues to try to raise him so he would be killed and the Heartstrike whisked away and under intense guard. If this is true, which it might not be, I'm just trying to figure this out, then it really wouldn't matter who the cloaked figure is that does the deed, so long as Nielle is forever silenced. I'm sure that the THM guild are happy because they got their magicks perfected for the zombification rites so it would have been a fair trade for them to have one of their people do it...

    But I'm just guessing here.
    Last edited by HiirNoivl; 03-31-2013 at 10:54 AM.

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    I think the "proprietor" refers to the general owner of the facilities and what's housed in it.. i.e. Momodi is the proprietress for the Quicksand. They may or may not participate in the "guild" activities, but they still have a position of administration/ownership.

    Guildmaster would be more specific to the actual guild activity

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    Quote Originally Posted by HiirNoivl View Post
    So the questions that still remain are:

    What is the significance of the cave-in events that caused so much suffering in the past?

    What is Greinfarr doing besides trying to be the Parade Hero?

    Is "the thaumaturge" mentioned in the Alchemists Guild Corguevais, the thaumaturge who comes looking for you after you go asking about resurrections, or someone else?

    Why does Ascilia seem to join forces with Corguevais after accusing him of murdering her father, running away, and genuinely expressing dislike of him?

    Why does Corguevais make all this show of kidnapping Ascilia only to abandon her in Ul'dah at the end of it all?

    And of course, who killed Niellefresne??? My only guesses is Corguevais (how'd he even get back there so quickly?) or some random other person who we don't see. Either way it's either the THM guild getting rid of someone with too much knowledge of the undead or Lolorito, trying to continue his quest for immortality as well as parley with the Garleans?
    I need to go back and rewatch the whole thing again (which won't be a prob cause <3 Thancred), but I was under the impression Courgevais was in there mining for gems and rocks to help with Warburton's expenses when it collapsed. He got blamed for it, and I don't think it was ever clarified if he was the one who did it. Maybe he was a noob and hit a weak spot on the wall?

    Ascilia and Courgevais:
    I think initially, Ascilia blames him for her father's death because he failed to keep the seal functioning on the crazy Goobbue.

    In this screenshot, he basically confronts Nielle's party about the setup, implying he had no knowledge of their plan to rig the parade for their benefit.

    Ascilia probably thought he was just weak, or perhaps he did it on purpose. But she needed someone to blame in her grief, so Courgevais was her first target. I imagine, sometime after that, he sets the record straight with her, and explains who he is (he definitely knows Warburton and whatever it is they were up to)

    Then we come to the cutscene where she is going to flee with him. By now, she knows everything; how the parade was rigged, who Courgevais is etc, and says they will all die, alluding to information she knows from Warburton about the peril Ul'dah faces.

    When Ascilia trips in their dash to the chocobo carriage, you can see the look of regret on Courgevais' face before he heads off without her; whatever his and Warburton's duty was, it was important enough that he couldn't risk getting caught then and there, even if the girl he was with was the daughter of a companion. In the outtake, one of his omitted lines was "No, I cannot fail here. Not now..forgive me Warburton."

    On the surface, people are supposed to see Courgevais as the classic "villain" against Nielle & Co....but it's much more complex than that, especially when you take into consideration Nielle's party is technically the one responsible for Warburton's death and the displacement of in fact, they should be the ones considered the "villains". Then we throw Thancred into the picture, who steals Nielle's thunder as the savior of the parade, and we get a very moody elezen that decides to take matters into his own hands (in a pig headed way), and it ends up costing him his life.

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    On the surface, people are supposed to see Courgevais as the classic "villain" against Nielle & Co....but it's much more complex than that, especially when you take into consideration Nielle's party is technically the one responsible for Warburton's death and the displacement of in fact, they should be the ones considered the "villains".
    I wouldn't call them Villains...

    * * * * * * Speculation Start * * * * *

    Niellefresne: I agree with you there. Perspective can be all the difference. I fear our Ul'dah is in most dire need of a reformation. (Niellefresne likely knows of Lord Lolorito's involvement with the Garleans and their lust for war. However, no one else knows about this. Niellefresne wants to do something about it. His friends join him in hopes that they might soak up some glory in the process. Except F'lhaminn. She just <3 Nielle)

    Momodi: He and his friends seem to think they have evidence that Garlean spies have infiltrated the city. (What is this evidence? And when did they acquire it?)

    Momodi: I speak of Niellefresne─aye, he is son to the Eshtaime guildmaster. Seems the shop's proprietor, Lord Lolorito, has taken quite a liking to him, as well. His future is bright as can be with those connections. (Those connections aren't beneficial. Lord Lolorito is likely keeping an eye on him. To make sure this issue with the Garlean connections in Ul'dah doesn't make it out to the public.)

    Thancred: There are merchants here who would well have this war, with an eye only for the profits it may yield them. (Yep, we know that now. Lolorito openly admits playing both sides and even lesser merchants can think of ways to exploit the war.)

    F'lhaminn: We know from what Niel and the others have learned that the man and his daughter came from Ala Mhigo.

    F'lhaminn: They believe that he may have been carrying sensitive information concerning the Empire. (F'lhaminn just spilled the beans to the wrong people. Mumuepo is IN on the Warmongering.)

    Mumuepo: Sensitive? You mean news of a Garlean attack? And you think the Empire may have killed him lest their plans be revealed? (Mumuepo, ever the perpetual liar.)

    Momodi: This talk of an Imperial unleashin' the beast at the parade is just that--talk. (Momodi speaks truth. The Goobbue incident was an accident that messed up their plans to blow the lid off the warmongering. So if anyone played a nefarious hand in the Goobbue incident at all, it probably ain't the Garleans.)

    Niellefresne: Hear me well─I had no hand in this man's death. None! (Nielle has been trying desperately to protect himself this whole time, but this plot is like quicksand.)

    Niellefresne: I must know of this danger you speak of. Is it the Empire? You, this girl, her father, you all hail from Ala Mhigo─that much is clear. If you know anything, I advise you to speak, and quickly. (Nielle cares about Ul'dah. He already said that he wants a reform of it, not destroy it, he's concerned about the Garleans in Ul'dah. He may have been moved by Thancred's speech about putting people in danger which wouldn't allow him to just let things be and let the Syndicate bring war regardless of the profits. He does care a little about Ascilia and they pick up on that. But he appeals to their shared heritage from Ala Mhigo.

    "You saw what happened in Ala Mhigo! Don't let this happen to Ul'dah!")

    Qoqoba: The girl has just lost her father. She is vulnerable. Perhaps Corguevais filled her head with lies. (Trying to dismiss the girl's words and pin the blame on Corguevais)

    Niellefresne: I think not. You saw the power he wields. He has no need for such idle treacheries.

    Greinfarr: The weapon he wielded─it was of Garlean make.

    Greinfarr: And his speech, I have heard its like before. Crypted talk employed by imperial soldiers. (Hey it looks like a duck, talks like a duck...)

    Greinfarr: We suspected a spy was in our midst─might be we found him.

    Niellefresne: It cannot be...

    F'lhaminn: We should speak with the bard─with Thancred.

    F'lhaminn: He has been looking into the Empire's doings. He may know something.

    (omg Shut up, F'lhaminn)

    Qoqoba: But hasn't he been...

    Greinfarr: Aye, exiled. Right, Niellefresne? (Come on, Nielle... let it go.)

    F'lhaminn: Exiled? But why?

    Niellefresne: It matters not. I shall discover what this danger is myself.

    Greinfarr: Wait, Neillefresne! ($#%@$@^!!!!!)

    It's clear that the friends of Niellefresne plan to pin all this on Courguevais. If they have evidence that Garlean spies have infiltrated Ul'dah, then why so late in the game are they coming up with obvious excuses to make Courguevais the enemy? They're standing around plotting on how they're going to explain this to the Syndicate or others. They've gone chicken, abandoning Ul'dah in hopes that they can salvage what glory they have left. So Nielle has to go and do this himself. They want no part of it but are still concerned about Nielle. So instead of going off to help or stop Nielle and possible put themselves at the scene, they send Thancred, an exile.

    Greinfarr: Niellefresne has turned to...our last resort.

    So much for friendship eh, Greinfarr? Geez, what a bunch of sniveling cowards.

    Niellefresne: There is a good deal I would know from this dead man. And not soon enough.

    Well, he'll never know. The Syndicate won't have it. His connections with Lolorito may have doomed him. I can just imagine the guy shaking his head. "Niel, what in the world? Why did you have to turn against our plans? You were so talented. We gave you more chances than anyone else" (YOU talk once about resurrecting the dead and you get to be a novice assassin's practice were it not for Momodi saving your butt)

    "Ah, well, at least I still have your brother to make me stuff to sell to the Ul'dah elite as well as... *cough* the royal families of other countries. Mumuepo has this body he wants to examine and I'll just take this dagger for myself... just to make sure."

    His friends got out, had they been there, they would have gotten killed too. They wanted out of the kiddie pool and into the adult swim. They had no desire to swim with sharks. The only person who seems to care is F'lhaminn.
    Last edited by HiirNoivl; 03-31-2013 at 10:00 PM.

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