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Thread: CG Midlander

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    Anonymoose's Avatar
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    CG Midlander

    This thread's major questions have all been solved and the results have culminated in this installment of Loremonger. Any conversation still taking place here is purely recreational chatter.


    Something's up with this guy.

    I've been analyzing this guy and his two parties on and off for two years now (trying to definitively state his story in a lore post) - and I've finally arrived at my conclusion. It don't think it's me - I think it's possible that Square Enix changed some things and forgot to change others (or maybe just didn't out those changes in a clear context). I'm posting this here since you LOCies have access to the core lore and maybe you can help clear up the disjoint.

    I've been tossing around ideas of what's going on, ranging from echo to prophecy... from job change to aging... but no one assumption solves all the problems. (EDIT: Though we're now trying below!)

    When we first meet this guy, he's with an Elezen Male and Miqo'te Female picking up some guildleves (presumably in Ishgard).

    These two. (AKA AG Party)

    Staring at a Resolve leve, he has a vision... He's no longer a gladiator - he's an archer. He's got new friends, an Elezen Female, a Lalafell Female, and a Roegadyn Male. Also, this is the battle of Silvertear Falls, which we know took place 10 years prior to Present Day.

    (AKA 10 Years Ago Party*)
    * The lalafell is, I assume, in this image... out of view there... by the feets.

    After his vision, he snaps back to his gladiator self and he's with AG Party again. He says that he knows this is the leve he wants.

    At first, I assumed he was in Present Day and echo-jumped backwards to a different context (possibly evidenced by the way 10 Years Ago Party reacts to him). However, it could also be interpreted that he is actually 10 years ago and is having a PROPHETIC vision of the future. This has troubled me for a long time... but now I think I've got my answer in the form of some other XIV Pre-Release shots... there is no answer because the video itself was edited in some areas. Here's one of several shots where he is 10 Years Ago ... with 10 Years Ago Party... as a gladiator.

    So he could have just swapped jobs around, but it doesn't explain where AG party went when he showed up with 10 Years Ago Party.

    And here he is as a gladiator during the Battle of Silvertear Falls in an earlier preview - except we already know that in this scene he is now an archer who's lost his bow while having a vision. There were edits made but I'm not sure what they imply. Compare:

    I think that, originally, the scene in the AG scene didn't exist... it was just the 10 years ago content. Then, it was edited - are there mistakes and inconsistencies in the final version? It looks like it could be an echo, it could be prophetic, and he may very well be an interdimensional time lord with an identity crisis.

    "Aw, sick! Maybe I'll level warrior, next!"


    Flash forward to the Realm Reborn trailers. All the same characters are here - 10 Years Ago Party has MERGED with AG Party ... except that the roegadyn has armory system'd into the midlander's main job, and vice versa (and they went for each other's main job relic weapon, too, because why not). If these two parties had indeed met (we see them fighting together before and after this screenshot), why did they not fight together at Silvertear Falls? That was after he picked up the leave with them, no? And they were going with him, yes? So if it was in the future, what's up?



    If you would be so kind, would you mind telling me the story of what's really going on here? Was the AG Isgard? Present Day 1572 Astral or before the Battle of Silvertear Falls in 1562 Sixth Astral? Was there editing or just he just hop jobs a lot?

    If the Battle of Silvertear Falls was BEFORE the scene and he was echo-hopping to 10 years ago, where did he meet up with 10 Years Ago Party LATER? If it all took place 10 years ago and he was having a prophetic vision of was to come, why isn't the party he just told to accept the levequest with him helping him take out the marbol? (Theories below?)

    ... Did he really take that dive into the exploding primal ball? Midgardsormr's still dead so I assume so. How'd he swing surviving that one?
    Last edited by Anonymoose; 04-29-2013 at 10:47 AM.
    "I shall refrain from making any further wild claims until such time as I have evidence."
    – Y'shtola