Fifteen years ago, a group of bandits occupied Copperbell Mine after a series of robberies near Ul’dah. Ul’danian force traced the bandits down to the Copperbell Mine. I was one of the guards who joined the pursuit. At the entrance, we saw some small scale of fighting. It looked like the local miners tried to fight off the armed bandits. Of course, all we see were injured and dead miners.

Troops were separated into small groups to perform detail search for the bandits and survivors. My group was assigned to check the tool room at bottom layer. I’ve been to Copperbell Mine, but I never felt this “evil” feeling before that chilled me to the bone. We found no survivors, nor bandits, on the way, only bloods and acidic smell everywhere. Finally, we found tool room, also 2 miners inside. Similar caught by the Voodoo magic, miners just uncontrollably screaming with extremely low pitch as devils’. While failed to claim them down, we heard shouts nearby:

“Over Here!”

They found the trace of bandits. I was asked to take care of miners while the rest reinforcing others. Before they left, one of the senior guards tossed me a weird bottle.

“My latest invention from Frondale’s Phrontistery….” guard said.
“It can make you stealth! “ Then, he ran with the rest.

As I started getting anxious from noisy miners, I started to hear some rattle sound and felt ground movement immediately after. It felt like hundreds of stuffs tried coming off the ground. Seconds later, I heard some shouting,

“We’re under attack!”
“Watch out!!”

The fighting noise outside was going on, but, shortly, all ended by an extremely high pitch screaming follow by many wail in pain. I felt the strong waves, through wall, shocked every nerve in my body. It was too strong, I fell a few steps back. Then, finally…blacked out…

Still dizzy, I woke up as sitting at the corner and lost track of time. I checked the miners. Looked like one of them was still screaming, but I can only hear humming sound inside my head. As I just about to stand up to check, I heard a clear whisper:


It’s so clear like someone spoke next to my ears. Still puzzled, but I poured the potion all over myself. I saw my hands and legs started fading away. Shortly, I felt this THING suddenly teleported up to the doorway and staring at the miners. It was a half-transparent ghost with a pair of boned wings. It’s an Ascian!

[stealthIV not photoshoped]

The flaming eyes of the Ascian started to grow. Then, I saw both miners’ flesh started melting away in front of my eyes. They looked like screaming in pain, but I can’t hear any... I held my breath, held my shaking hands and held my mouth. Before I realized, the Ascian was already gone. The miners… only bones l can see…and that bloody acidic smell

Slowly, I started hearing things around. The first caught my attention was the same rattling sounds outside. I pulled myself together and walked to the door. Shockingly, all I saw…ants…Countless ants… everywhere. They were walking over some pile of… metals and white bones! I recognized these armors. These belonged to our troops! I couldn’t control and gasped. Some of the ants discovered my existence and started to walk toward me. Next thing that caught my attention was cracking sounds behind me. The bones of the miners started to form… stood up…then walked toward me. Soon, I was surrounded by undeads and ants.

When I woke up, I lied on the bed of Hourglass. Some told me a young Seedseer, Kan-E-Seena, saved me but no others. Horrible deaths of miners created lots negative energy and lured nearby Ascian.

The bandits were killed by the Ascian before we arrived… Our troops didn’t survive long after that either…

The bloods of victims lured the ants, and presence of Ascian converted the dead. The Cooperbell Mine is still occupied by some ants and undeads now. Maybe, I’ll recognize some of… them.

People say if the children are wailing too loud at night… Ascian will show up at their doorway next…
bones left…