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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Keyboard Remapping

    I'm still trying to get the feel of the game again and have 2 questions.

    1. How can I remap my mouse. I tried to go into configuration but it doesn't do anything. I want to map my mouse button 4 to move forward. Someone said I could but can't figure it out?

    2. Is there an auto attack function? I mean I can't use my attack to start off with because I don't have any TP so is there a key that I can tab to select the target (which I know how to do) and then hit ? to start auto attack?

    3. Is there a key for going into and out of passive mode?


  2. #2
    REDace0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    #5 Mist 2, The Pande Cave
    Robert Redensa
    Main Class
    Dark Knight Lv 70
    1. I'm not sure about remapping 3rd, 4th etc mouse buttons, but you might try opening configuration -> keyboard, selecting a cell, then clicking that button. Otherwise there's the hard way of binding it to a key you don't often use, then using a third-party program to remap mouse4 to that key.

    2. If a target is selected, you can press enter/confirm to confirm the target, which will change the indicator and show a little sword icon if you're in active mode. If you see the little sword icon, you will autoattack when in range I believe. Sorry, I'm used to the UI at this point so it goes unnoticed most of the time.

    3. Yes! I believe the default is F, but it may be what I have it set to, which is Z. You can remap many functions to Crtl/Alt/Shift + [most keys] in Configuration -> Keyboard.