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    Spy's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Mini Ninja
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    Pugilist Lv 50

    Dare I say it? Fan Fiction!

    So, while lying in bed at 5am wondering why the hell I haven't gone to sleep yet, my mind wandered to the thought of what my little Mini might be doing in his world. While we sit here comfortably from our pc chairs, our characters lye in a world that is threatened by Dalamud...what kind of thoughts could be going through their heads?

    ANYWAY, since I'm so damn impatient for 2.0 I decided to make my own little story...well, at least bits of it. And was curious if maybe you guys have your own tales to tell as well?

    So...if you're curious, this is what I wrote during my restlessness...keep in mind, I'm not an English major....I feel like I'm gonna get so much hate for this >.>....


    Part I

    Sweat beaded beneath his white locks as Mini paced the floor of his inn room. Books lye carelessly scattered about the floor and bed, left open at pages of interest or closed for disappointing information. He took a seat on a stack of books that promised information on the stars beyond, then removed his feathered cap and wiped away the sweat from his brow.

    “Small wonder the people are in a panic, and I’m no closer to solving this damn thing than when it first showed it’s accursed red face in the sky!” he muttered, throwing his hat across the room.

    Silence took over him for a few moments before he finally reached within one of his pouches and pulled out a small linkpearl.

    “Emelyn….Emelyn! Pick up you stupid cat!”

    “Now that’s just rude.” Came a purring voice over the line.

    “Whatever. Listen, I need to know what information you’ve gathered for me about Dalamud over there in Gridania.”

    “Huh? I was supposed to be getting information?”

    “...” Mini held his pearl in front of him in disbelief, “DON’T TELL ME YOU-“

    “Relax shorty, I was just playing. Geez, this whole ‘Dalamud’ thing’s been making you awfully cranky. Maybe you should have Stud buy ya a beer?”

    Mini sighed and slouched, “Yeah, I’m sorry…but I can’t help being frustrated over this. In case you haven’t noticed, a giant red ball of death has been making its way towards us for the past few months!”

    “And how do you know it’s a ball of death? What if it’s a ball of red gelatin promising a free treat for a year?”

    “…Gelatin? Seriously?” Mini could not keep his face from flying into his free palm, “Em…I just don’t know how you can be so calm about this.”

    “Well, we go into battle almost every day not knowing when we’re gonna die…or you never know, you could be run over by a chocobo! It’s just not worth dwelling over what might happen.”

    “That’s the thing…this isn’t a might, Em…this is a WILL happen. It’s been growing…slowly but surely. There’s no telling what this thing really is; if it’s a planet, a meteor, or Azeyma herself! Anyway, I get the feeling that if we don’t find a way to stop it or alter it’s course, we’re gonna end up dead in a few more months. Gods! I haven’t even bed a woman yet!”

    Emelyn chuckled over the line, “I could fix that for you ~<3”

    “Don’t even joke.” Mini said knowing full well that she was, “Anyway, did you find out anything or not? I would think the conjurer’s there would have something on the matter.”

    “’fraid not. They’re just as stumped over here as anywhere. Besides, I wonder if they’re truly right in the head. Some of them go on about talking with the forest.”

    “Hmm…well…just keep those fuzzy ears open, and get back to me if you find anything.”

    “Okie dokie! And Mini?”


    “Go get a drink. You need a break, Mr. Grumpy pants.” Then the linkpearl went dead.

    Mini walked carefully across his room avoiding the scattered books, then picked up his hat and settled it on his head, “Maybe she’s right…guess I better find the tall bastard.”


    Part II

    “And where else would he be?” the lalafell grumbled as he walked past a table of drunk, arm wrestling roegadyn. The smell of sweat, booze and too much perfume permeated throughout the air of the Miner’s guild as young miqo’te danced enthusiastically on the wooden stage encouraging whistles and shouts from the few men who were entranced by their swaying hips.

    Mini himself could hardly keep from glancing at them as he searched the room for his comrade. Just as one of the miqo’te caught his eye and winked at him stopping him dead in his tracks, a hearty laugh brought him back to his senses and marched his tiny feet over to the bar where his elezen friend, known as Stud, sat leaned against the bar with a charming smile aimed at a pretty young hume sitting in the stool beside him.

    She giggled as he whispered something in her ear. But upon noticing Mini , she pressed away from unsuspecting Stud towards the tiny lalafell.

    “So cute!” she cooed, picking Mini up and hugging him like a doll.

    Caught up in the moment, Mini felt the burden of his troubles already begin to lighten and grinned. Catching sight of his disappointed elezen buddy glaring at him from the bar table, his grin spread wider and he returned the hug with his tiny arms.

    After a few more minutes of flaunting his adorableness, he politely directed the girl away, and then pranced over to Stud with a much lighter air about him then when he had entered the joint.

    “Yeah, yeah, ham it up.” Stud said taking a seat and swinging around towards the bartender to order two drinks.

    “Hey! I can’t help it if the ladies love me!”

    “Don’t get too cocky, that ‘cuteness’ or yours will only take you so far with them.”

    “Bah! What do you know?” Mini flushed a little as he accepted his drink and took a swig of it.

    After a few moments of awkward silence, Stud set his elbow on the bar and rested his head in his hand, “Any luck with Dalamud?”

    Mini’s face darkened as he stopped mid-drink then set his cup down, “No.”

    Stud stared at him seriously for a moment, then released his pearly whites and patted Mini rather hard on the back, “Aww don’t be sad, little man! Ul’dah wasn’t built in a day! I’m sure you’ll figure it out and save us all from the big ol’nasty Dalamud! Then the bards will be singing about you everywhere and the ladies will be neigh impossible to keep off!”

    The lalafell shifted in his seat and attempted to smile, “…heh…I guess…”

    “So in the meantime, let’s throw those worries out the window and enjoy ourselves a little. Barkeep! Another round for me and my friend here!”


    Part III

    Part III

    “I got it! Hottest chick in Eorzea!” Stud snapped his fingers and stared at Mini who thought carefully of his answer.

    “Hmm…Nanamo.” Mini stated leaning his back against the bar and closing his eyes in memory of her beauty.

    “THE SULTANA!? Damn! You’ve got rich taste! No way in hell you’d end up with royalty like that!”

    “Maybe not. But a man can dream can’t he?” Opening his eyes he turned back to Stud, “What about you? What taste does the almighty ladies man have?”

    “Oh you bet your ass it’s Admiral Merlwyb!”

    “Now who’s dreamin’!? She’d chew you up for breakfast!”

    “Oh…she can bite me any day!”

    “I didn’t say ‘bite’ I said ‘chew,’” Mini muttered being clearly ignored.

    “I’d love to get my hands on those creamy white, fluffy pillows of hers!” Stud continued, groping the air in front of him.

    “Who’s pillows now?” a feminine voice sounded a short distance from the drinking adventurer’s, freezing them in place.

    Upon inspecting the new arrival who was accompanied by a large Roegadyn, the boys relaxed and smiled.

    “Hello Katella! And you as well, Blind! What brings the wondrously odd couple out to this fine spot of Uldah?” Stud asked bowing towards the female lalafell and her husband.

    “Blind wanted to take me out dancing! He’s such a sweetheart.” Katella blushed into her hands and swayed on her toes.

    Blindrage stepped forward and lifted the blushing lalafell up onto his shoulder, “Yeah, we had a busy day. Garlean forces were on their way to Black Brush, Kat and I put a stop to that.” He said grinning and making a fist with his free hand.

    “Those bastards actually think they can get the jump on us!? HAH!” Stud swiped his drink from behind him and chugged defiantly towards the thought.

    “I wouldn’t take this news lightly.” Mini said, “The number of Garlean attacks grows weekly.”

    “Oh, come on, short stuff! You think they have a chance in hell of even breaching Uldah’s front door let alone reaching the Sultana?! Not to mention even if they made it past the first gate, my man, Raubahn would cleave their skulls in half without breaking a sweat!”

    Mini looked doubtful, “I dunno…”

    Stud shook his head disapprovingly, “I would have thought you would have more faith in this city, man.”

    “It’s not that…I just wonder why they’ve started to become more persistent.”

    “Well, with Dalamud approaching maybe they’re increasing their attacks to try what they can in the limited time we have left?” Katella asked from Blind’s shoulder.

    “Quite possible…I guess…”

    “You’d think even pea-brained Garleans would put what puny strength they had into helping the rest of Eorzea think of a way of stopping this thing.” Stud stated gruffly.

    “Or maybe, they’re the ones summoning it?” said Blind.

    Stud glared at his Roegadyn friend, “Then they’re even dumber than I thought. What kind of morons wants to kill their enemy so badly that they’d kill themselves?”

    “You already know the answer…Garleans are so blood thirsty they’d put themselves at risk for power. Not that it really matters…we’re all gonna die soon anyway.” Mini sighed.

    The four didn’t speak for several moments before Blind carefully set his wife back down on the floor, “You guys are depressing.”

    Katella blushed awkwardly in silent agreement, and the two wandered into the crowd of dancing strangers.

    Mini looked over at his elezen buddy and sighed, “Hate to say it, but he’s right. Seems no matter where I go, the dark shadow of Dalamud follows me.”

    “Oh Gods! Enough about Dalamud! The night’s still young, man, and Dalamud’s not going anywhere! Time to focus that overworked brain of yours on other matters!”

    “Like what?”

    A miqo’te bar maiden strut seductively past the boys smiling and knowing full well she was being watched.

    “Like finding you a girl, mate.” Stud said in his best Jack Sparrow accent.


    Part IV

    Several hours passed and the crowd began to die down. Katella wandered over to the elezen sleeping on the bar top and the lalafell who swayed on his stool.

    “Guys, if you’d like, I can offer you a teleport home?”

    Mini lazily looked at her and smiled, “Naaaaaaaaaaaah, Kat! We’ll be fiiiine!”

    “I doubt that. Come on, let me get you boys home.”

    “Why go home? What’s the point? What’s the point in anything anymore?”

    Katella sighed and began to gently help the lalafell out of his chair when a giggle caught her interest from behind her. She looked around and noticed a rather drunk elezen girl leaning up against the table Blind sat at to rest his feet, while clearly ignoring her.

    She dropped Mini without realizing, and marched over to the table in a huff. Mini looked over to the lalafell giving the elezen girl an earful, then glanced at his passed out buddy, “Man, I…thought I was supposed to be the…li-light weight?”

    After a few attempts, he managed to get up onto his feet using the stool as support, then shook his buddy in an attempt to stir him. However, aside from mumbling, Stud didn’t move.

    “Hmm…” Mini closed his eyes and began to concentrate on his inner lightning. Static raced down his tiny arm and shot out into the air hitting a glass and causing the liquid to evaporate. “Ugh…missed…” he raised his arm to attempt a second spell when a scream shattered the peace of the tavern.

    “Beastmen! Beastmen in Uldah!” shouted a frantic miqo’te. She stumbled into a chair then looked around with eyes full of fear.

    “Beeastmen?” Mini muttered leaning heavily on the bar top. He glanced over to where Stud had been passed out and noticed his friend was gone. When he looked back to the panicked miqo’te, Stud was leaned casually against a table beside her and rubbing her back concerned.

    “What foul beast could possibly make their way within our boarders? Don’t worry, beautiful, it wont make it far with all the bite Ul’dah’s citizens have.” He flashed his award-winning smile at her then snapped his attention to his confused, and still quite drunk, friend. “Mini! We must make haste and investigate!”

    Try as he might, Mini could not make sense of the situation, “Whaaat? What are you talking about?” he rubbed his temple then pulled the tilted hat from his noggin to allow cool air through his hair.

    Stud quickly wrote his pearl number down and handed it to the still shaken miqo’te, then grabbed Mini and flung him up onto his shoulders, “Let’s rock!” he shouted pointing towards the door and adjusting the lalafell on his shoulders.

    “Don’t think you’re going anywhere without us!” Blind shouted from the few confused bystanders who had yet to leave. Katella unhooked her bow and ran along side him, leaving the elezen girl who flicked her hair in irritation as the four made their way out the door.

    “And by the way Mini, you are the lightweight!” grinned Stud.


    Part V

    The sun had still not risen upon Ul’dah’s streets as the four warriors made their way outside of the inner dome. All but Mini, who looked rather pale upon Stud’s shoulders, were alert.

    Yet the street was silent.

    “Odd. You would have thought there’d be more activity if beastmen were here.” Katella said checking every shadow with her bow nocked.

    “Maybe it was already taken care of?” asked Stud shifting Mini’s weight a little for comfort.

    “There’d probably still be a crowd, and bodies.” Said Kat.

    “Do you think that girl was crazy?” asked Blind scratching his head.

    “I guess that could be possible…but we should stay alert to be safe.” Suggested Kat.

    Slowly and quietly they combed the streets checking for any signs of the intruders. But after nearly thirty minutes of looking, the group relaxed.

    “Um…well…as much as I was looking forward to a nice scrap after a night at the bar, I’d say this little man has had it and needs to go home.” Stud said motioning towards the passed out lalafell on his shoulders.

    Katella still seemed unconvinced that they were alone, but she nodded to Stud, “Go ahead and take him home. We’re going to head back to the tavern and talk with the girl.” She placed her bow onto her back and looked up at her husband, who nodded in agreement.

    Stud watched as the two headed back towards the bar, and then began to teleport to the inn. But just as he cast his spell, a pair of glowing eyes caught his attention from the shadow of an alley.

    “Son-uvva-!” and just like that, he stood before the innkeeper.

    Knowing full well that by the time he managed to make it back to that spot, whatever was watching him would be long gone, he cursed his luck then headed inside to Mini’s room.

    He gentle set his sleeping buddy on his bed and took his hat off and set it on the table. Then combed his fingers through his Onyx hair and sighed.

    “…ni…” a distorted voice resonated from Mini’s glowing linkpearl.

    Stud curiously picked it up.


    “’eeeey! Emelyn! What are you doing up this late!?” he cooed.

    “….Stud!? Stud what are you doing with Mini’s linkpearl!? Where’s Mini!? Is he ok!? Wait…why haven’t you contacted me-NO! That’s not important right now! Where’s Mini!?”

    “Woah! Calm down, calm down! Where’s the fire?”

    “I need to talk to Mini! Where is he?!”

    “Mini’s sleeping right now, keep that pretty voice of your down please.”

    “It’s important! Can’t you wake him up?”

    “That…would be a very bad idea. He was drinking and just fell asleep not very long ago. You know how he gets if he’s woken up prematurely.”

    The linkpearl was silent for a moment, “…well…it is important. Please have him contact me as soon as he wakes up. He’s going to be pretty interested in what I’ve discovered.”

    “Oh? And what’s that?”

    “Well…I was eavesdropping on some adventurer’s conversation and-wait! It’s none of your business!”

    “Aww come on, don’t be like that.”

    “How long has it been since we last spoke and now you want to talk!? No. Go mess around with those tavern girls you love so much! Besides, this information would hardly penetrate that pea-sized brain of yours! So there’d be little point in telling you even if I wanted to.”

    “Ouch. Harsh, Babe.”

    “Don’t call me Babe! You blew that chance! Just tell Mini to contact me ASAP!”

    “Now, now. Is that any way to ask a favor?”

    “Listen, tallboy, if Mini doesn’t contact me by later today, I’ll personally make an appearance and neuter you with these claws of mine! Now, for the last time, tell Mini to contact me when he wakes up!” then the linkpearl went dead.


    Part VI - April 26th, 2013

    Mini awoke to the mumbled sound of busy shopkeepers and testy patrons. He felt heavy from the consequences of his late night binge. Refusing to open his eyes, the sun burned at them with it’s cruel warmth forcing him to sit up and dangle his small legs over the edge of his bed.

    Rubbing his eyes, he groggily looked down at his wrinkled robe that he had unfortunately slept in due to Stud’s refusal to ever undress a man.

    “…guess I better get dressed.”

    Slowly, he shuffled over to his dresser and opened it to find his ironed red Felt Bliaud, Temple Gaskins, Jackboots, Tricome, and Temple Gloves.

    “That’s right. Gonna kick ass and take names today.” He thought, grinning and sliding his robes off. But when he threw the body-less robes upon his bed, his linkpearl slid out of one of it’s pockets and hit the floor glowing.

    “Now who in their right mind has been trying to contact me all night?” He thought bending down and picking up the small jewel.


    Startled, Mini dropped the pearl and jumped back staring at it. “Emelyn?” Recollecting himself despite being half-naked, he scrambled back to the pearl and picked it up, “Emelyn! What’s wrong?”


    “Calm down, Emelyn! Just tell me what’s wrong!”

    “Garleans, DOPE! They’ve been spotted in our territory! And I don’t mean just a few! Those bastards have made a whole damn ARMY BASE in Mor Dhona! Gridanian scouts spotted them a few days ago!”

    “An army of Garleans? What could they possibly be up to?”

    “Only the twelve know! But you know as well as I do, that whatever it is, it’s not good!”

    Mini propped himself up on his knees and contemplated the situation. With Dalamud descending by the minute, and the Garleans gathering their forces so nearby Eorzean territory, something was surely up.

    “Does Kat and the others know?” Mini asked after a moment of thought.

    “They’ve already gathered here in Gridania. Hurry here! We’re planning a teleport soon!” then the line went dead.

    Mini gently set the pearl on the stand beside him, threw on his gear, and ate half of the, now cold, complimentary meal provided to him by the inn, then re-pocketed his pearl and dashed out the door to catch the soonest airship.

    “If pipsqueak doesn’t show up soon, we’ll have to leave without him. Other adventurer’s have already left.” Emelyn sighed.

    The Distant World linkshell sat at a large table put together for them at the Adventurer’s Guild. At the head of the table was the leader, Seraphis. Seraphis wasn’t exactly the strongest physically of the guild, but she, and the two other founders Pico and Seyo, had brought together some of the strongest of Eorzea, and made an excellent leader with her welcoming nature yet strict guidance to the rules that had been bestowed upon the linkshell. Pico and Seyo sat on either side of her. Next to Pico were Katella and her husband, Blindrage. Followed by the rest of the linkshell who, if they weren’t eating, they were crafting or gearing up for the battle that was soon among them.

    “I’m sure he’ll be here soon. You know he wouldn’t miss it.” Chimed Arrietty, sitting in her white mage gear.

    “Well I hope he hurries up! I want to kill something!” Jenna said brandishing her giant moogle axe as it let out a soft ‘kupo’.

    “Oi! You’ll get yer chance soon enough, Jenna.” Said Exotica next to her.

    “Enough about Mini. We’re here to discuss our plans for eradicating the Garlean forces that have assembled along our boarders.” Said Seyo from beneath his black mage hood. His eyes glowed with a sense of authority that calmed the others at the table and set their focus on him and the other leaders.

    “We’ll be splitting up into several parties, and must make sure we maintain balance within those parties. Now, how many white mages are currently present?”

    Arrietty, Lucife, Ladykria and several others raised their hands.

    “You will pair into groups of two and decide your teams from-“

    “I’M HERE!” a shout echoed from the floor below, and it took only moments and several pitter patters of tiny feet scuttling up the stairs before an exhausted Mini tripped over the top step into view.

    “About time you showed up.” Seraphis said with her arms crossed.

    “Sorry, sorry! I missed the airship’s first departure.”

    Seraphis shook her head and beckoned him over, “We don’t need a reason, just come over us and let’s get this strategy meeting over with so we can deal with the situation.”

    Mini took his place in between Lucife and Arrietty, and then silently nodded to Seraphis. Seyo then continued with his plans, which took only thirty minutes to explain. Everyone had then gathered into groups of eight and readied their teleports.

    Pico moved carefully around the groups to make sure weapons were undamaged, while Katella checked the gear. When both were satisfied, Katella gave Seraphis the word, “All set here.” Pico simply gave Seraphis a nod.

    “Ok everyone,” began Seraphis, “Tonight we enter battle against the Garlean forces. There will be others there that could use our assistance in battle. And you will find them to assist you as well.” She paced around the room, everyone’s eyes on her. “We don’t know exactly how many of them are out there, but we do know that their numbers mean nothing against us!” several nodded in prideful agreement, “Just remember that we will be victorious this day! And should you fall in battle, you fall knowing you fell fighting for your home! For your family! For your friends and comrades!” several raised their arms in a shout. “We will get the Garleans out of our home! We will put a stop to whatever evil they might be planning! We will win! And WE. WILL. PERSIVERE!” This time, every one of them shouted in unison.

    “Group leaders ready your teleports and let’s get this show on the road!” Seyo shouted.

    “About bloody time!” grinned Jenna caressing the hilt of her axe.

    The sound of casters beginning their teleports resonated within the hall, and the readied group stood silently with bated breaths. Then the teleports went off, and the Adventurer’s Guild was empty.



    Chapter VII - Posted August 13th, 2013

    Part VII

    The land of Mor Dhona teemed with an eerie violet mist that licked at the rigid stones jetting out of it’s barren surface. Mini and his companions had arrived at Camp Brittlebark, where other adventurer’s and soldiers of the Eorzean alliance were making their preparations. Many were checking and rechecking their weapons and equipment, while others cared for their chocobos, giving them what might be their last meal, or checking their bird’s armor for any wear and tear.

    Some had already departed towards the rumored location of the Garlean forces, and others were mounting up and leaving as Katella did a head count of her party. In her group was Mini, the black mage, Arrietty the white mage, Blindrage the paladin, Jenna the warrior, and Lucife the other white mage. Katella stood with her bow at hand, and signaled the others to mount as she nodded to the last of her group to be accounted for.

    They stayed close together as they rode northwest.

    “How far is the enemy?” Jenna asked licking her lips in anticipation for bloodshed.

    “Shouldn’t be too far.” Said Arrietty, “Word of their fortress was seen just up-“

    Before she could finish her sentence, a snake-like tongue wrapped itself around her tiny torso and snapped her off her chocobo in a flash, hurtling her backwards towards the gaping mouth of a massive toad.

    “ARRIETTY!” the group reacted quickly. In just a matter of seconds, all had dismounted and unsheathed their weapons.

    Katella loosed an arrow that lodged itself into the giant beast’s eye. It shook violently in pain and shock, and spit out Arrietty’s drool-covered body in the process. She rolled to a stop several yards from the toad, still alive but too disorientated to get up. Lucife sent forth a stoneskin spell to encase her in protection until the others could reach her. Then proceeded to heal her injuries as Blind flashed the beast and Mini sent a wave of thunder rippling through it’s blubbery flesh.

    Jenna reached the toad before the others and slashed a massive chunk of fat from the toad’s side. Blood oozed from it’s wound, and it spun around faster than would be expected from a creature it’s size, and slapped Jenna off of her feet in into a nearby puddle. She grinned and wiped the liquid from her face as she got back on her feet and charged once more towards the enemy.

    By this time, Blind had captured the toad’s attention and began slashing away at it’s face with his sword forged by Pico. The blade was built for Roegadyn arms, and would have to be wielded with two hands for many others due to it’s size, but Blind managed to swing it around with ease using only one arm that rippled with muscles.

    Katella kept her distance, as she was most efficient at range with her arrows. She sent more deadly projectiles towards the beast, as Mini set fire to it’s flesh. Jenna had regained her position at the enemy’s back, and slashed violently away at it’s flesh. Lucife casted protect around his comrades, and would quickly heal any wound the beast would managed to inflict in it’s struggle to stay alive.

    It only took a few minutes to finally slay the toad, and it collapsed in a heap of blood and blubber. When it’s massive chest finally stopped moving, the group gathered around Arrietty who had managed to pull herself to a sitting position and was wiping at the drool on her face.

    “UGH! So gross! So gross!”

    Jenna laughed, as Katella offered Arrietty a handkerchief. “Come on now, Jenna. You wouldn’t be laughing if you were covered in toad spit. Besides, you're not much better with that muck on your face” Lucife said.

    “Ahaha this is nothing!” Jenna grinned.

    Mini cast a mild aero spell on Arrietty to help dry her, and Jenna helped her back up onto her Chocobo.

    “Well, let’s try to avoid any more distractions, shall we?” Blind said as he got back up onto his massive bird.

    Arrietty sulked, “…sorry.”

    “It’s quite alright, Arrietty.” Said Kat, “It happens. This place is teeming with monsters. We’ll just have to be a bit more careful from here on. We don’t want to be worn out before we even face the real enemy.”


    The group continued their ride, careful to avoid monster detection, and finally viewed lights in the distance.

    “Look! LOOK! There it is!” shouted Jenna.

    “Jenna quiet down! You’ll alert the enemy before we even get there!” Blind grunted.

    “I doubt that. They’re probably already busy with the others that managed to make it there before us! Hell, if we don’t hurry, they might steal all the action!” Jenna spurred her chocobo forward before the others.

    “…something doesn’t feel right.” Said Mini, watching Jenna ride ahead, “I can feel it…”

    Katells gave him a look of uncertainty, then the group started forward to catch up with their eager warrior.
    Last edited by Spy; 08-15-2013 at 09:22 AM.
    つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Tackle box or riot! つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  2. #2
    Anapingofness's Avatar
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    That was pretty entertaining! =D

    Good job!

    But really, you've got a pair of brass ones- putting yourself out there. /salute

    Thanks for the read ^^
    Last edited by Anapingofness; 07-22-2012 at 06:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Spy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anapingofness View Post
    That was pretty entertaining! =D

    Good job!

    But really, you've got a pair of brass ones- putting yourself out there. /salute

    Thanks for the read ^^
    Awww ^^ Thank you! I was rather nervous about posting this...but if at least one person enjoyed it, it was worth it
    つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Tackle box or riot! つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  4. #4
    Anapingofness's Avatar
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    If you plan to do more of these I'll gladly keep reading. =D It was a lot of fun!

    If the main forums don't work out there is always the lodestone blog. Just let me know so I know where to find you. XDD

    Hm... that sounds a bit...weird... >_>; /cookie?

  5. #5
    Mina's Avatar
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    Love the story.

    I'm a fan of reading and writing fanfiction. Keep up the writing!

  6. #6
    Picoman's Avatar
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    Awesome work Mini. The official forums need more of this. Think everyone is starting to loose their marbles around here.
    Download my iPad app on the App Store ^^

  7. #7
    Spy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Picoman View Post
    Awesome work Mini. The official forums need more of this. Think everyone is starting to loose their marbles around here.
    hehe thanks Pico. It does seem as if a lot of players are on edge with the lack of new information. Can't say I blame'em. Anyway, I'll see what I can do about writing up a new part ^^ I already have an idea of what I want to happen next.
    つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Tackle box or riot! つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  8. #8
    Leira_Raine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spy View Post
    hehe thanks Pico. It does seem as if a lot of players are on edge with the lack of new information. Can't say I blame'em. Anyway, I'll see what I can do about writing up a new part ^^ I already have an idea of what I want to happen next.
    I do like this a lot. Your dialogue is quite impressive (you're looking at a graduate creative writing student too, so feel honored :P). I hope you do more. I'm rooting for you! /cheer
    C'est Vie ou Mort!

  9. #9
    Player Riv's Avatar
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    Love it.

    You stupid cat! =D

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Well..... I read it...... all I can say is.......... it needs a little something, it probably needs more to it? Not saying it was bad, but I'm saying it was good and I want more!

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