First I'd like to apologize if this topic was mentioned before and I didn't notice it. I just didn't find anyone talking mainly about this and I think it's very important to discuss right now. I want to know about the future of weapons in 2.0..

Since FFXIV was first announced, the one thing we all knew about the game is that "A big variety of weapons will be something special and unique in the game."

And after seeing the logo, we all thought we'd see all kinds of new and old weapons, brought from all FF games, or even all SE games.

But sadly we only have 4 melee weapons right now (and a dying fifth which no one uses.)

So I'd like to know if we will be able to have new types of weapons in 2.0, weapons we loved in all Final Fantasy games / SE games.
  • Hammers
  • Great Swords
  • Gunblades
  • Katanas
  • Double-edged
  • Scythes
  • Guns

  • 2 Swords
  • 2 Daggers
  • 2 Guns
  • A sword and a gun in each arm

For Mages:
  • Maces
  • Books

Yeah I know it's not simple to just add these weapons, it requires new actions, and (in the long-term) new jobs. So I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on this matter.