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  1. #21
    Urthdigger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinrya-Geki View Post
    My opinion, if you get hate and take damage, your a bad Damage dealer.

    Most people like to blame the tank, or healer, because it's quick and an excuse to hide the fact you are a terrible damage dealer.

    This is not directed at anyone, although if you find my post offensive, then your probably one of the 75% melee damage dealers who prbobably can't do their job right.
    Well, I personally find that most of the time when DDs take damage, it's one of two situations: Either the boss used some AoE attack, or it's an event like Hamlet Defense or United We Stand, where there's so many enemies running around that the DDs have to tank shit. Also, when the issue is the DD routinely taking hate on a boss, sometimes it legitimately is an issue with the tank.

    Not saying melee DDs never screw up, far from it. Just playing devils advocate here because I really feel 75% is a gross exaggeration.

  2. #22
    Player dragorian's Avatar
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    ok if u are a good tank then u shouldent be takeing much dmg go to camp crooked for grind on the lv 60 goblin butchers but watch out for the pup's unless u had a whm with you dont solo them but goblins solo these to get practice on pld its fun and it was too easy with sanction and fun without if you as pld cant solo the goblin then either your gear sucks wors than mine or u built pld wrng or u suck so bad go grind on them for real fun and tanking exp they deal 1k+ dmg per hit

  3. #23
    Ryans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HiirNoivl View Post
    I have the biggest issue with DD calling for heals out of range and expecting me to come dashing to their rescue. On Ifrit, I need to stay in my safe spot and pop a resonance if it's up to heal. Or stop all healing completely, run in range to them (cuz they ain't coming to me!), stop again and stand there and heal while I pray I don't get killed! (especially if I'm the only WHM).
    Whm doesn't have to stay in its "safe" spot for Ifrit. If you memorize the entire arena and know the mechanics of the encounter, a whm can run all over the field and be safe. While I agree that if a melee is below 20% hp that they should avoid the possibility of taking any more damage (because leaving combat for 20 seconds spares a lot more of your total damage than dying and waiting for a revive), but don't act like a whms' job is hard to do. If you want to be considered a good healer, you need to be able to counteract other peoples' stupidity, plain and simple. If you want to be an adequate whm, keep the tank alive.

  4. #24
    Masamune1004's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinrya-Geki View Post
    My opinion, if you get hate and take damage, your a bad Damage dealer.

    Most people like to blame the tank, or healer, because it's quick and an excuse to hide the fact you are a terrible damage dealer.

    This is not directed at anyone, although if you find my post offensive, then your probably one of the 75% melee damage dealers who prbobably can't do their job right.
    I'm pretty sure the OP was more about taking AoE damage, not taking hate and taking hits. You can still take a good deal of damage without taking hate. IMO the WHMs should be able to heal DDs if they take a good deal of stray damage once in a while, but the DDs shouldn't be taking that much damage and most have Second Wind, when combined with SS and possibly Regen, should mean very little damage. You should only be in the red if you mess up big time (which happens, especially with the lag.)
    Last edited by Masamune1004; 07-07-2012 at 02:40 PM.

  5. #25
    RathSkybreaker's Avatar
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    Eh, if a DD moves out of my range, his problem, not mine. It's like life guarding, you cross the safety lines, I'm not saving you. xD

  6. #26
    BlueMage's Avatar
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    If your HP is in the red, and you know the boss is spamming melee AOEs... maybe you should stop meleeing take a few steps back out of AOE range, what with your realizing you're going to die and that the healer is too busy to heal you. It's not like you'd be missing out on all the damage you'd be doing while dead anyway, so put even just a little effort in keeping yourself alive, instead of expecting healer's to wipe your ass for you.

  7. #27
    Xianghua's Avatar
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    All of you healer's that don't want to or down right refuse to heal the DD's are the reason most groups use brd/blm.

    It's different if they are taking unnecessary obsessive damage. But They will take damage its part of the game there is no reason you shouldn't throw them some heals/regen when you can.
    Last edited by Xianghua; 07-07-2012 at 07:18 PM.

  8. #28

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    In triage people are moved to the back of the line, like mp sponges and if you're a hot mess, as a damage dealer do you really think it looks good for you blaming others for your short comings? I've been in many parties where I just left people dead because it was more efficient to raise some one else, their dps sucked and when parsed they took more damage than the tank. It is a white mages job in my humble opinion to keep the party alive not a person. So, given the choice between that and a wipe, if you don't have second wind or a pot you'll need to wait for a heal.

    You can't expect random white mages to know how to properly assess triage or to provide great health care in random parties, you tend to get pug white mages that use dated willow wands or heal in crafting gear but its kind of insulting to players who do take pride in what they do, lumping them in with that crowd.

    I'll give you my imperial operative dalmatica (actually not this one XD ), my trips and quad melds if you think you can do a better job. White mages should be specialists at what they do but a lot aren't and I can say the same for a lot of dds. Don't include me in that blanket statement, and its pretty easy to blame a white mage for your own mistake but remember. We are the ones picking you up off the ground.

    Last edited by Gugnir; 07-07-2012 at 07:52 PM.

  9. #29
    Xianghua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gugnir View Post
    Don't include me in that blanket statement, and its pretty easy to blame a white mage for your own mistake but remember. We are the ones picking you up off the ground.

    Don't just quote half a sentence and take it out of context. Read again I said. whms that don't want to or refuse to heal dd

    If a DD is taking dmg that he can dodge it's his fault. But refusing to cure them when it's your job to is pretty lazy and makes you a shitty whm. So if you refuse to heal your dps then yes that statement does apply to you.

  10. #30
    Player HiirNoivl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryans View Post
    Whm doesn't have to stay in its "safe" spot for Ifrit. If you memorize the entire arena and know the mechanics of the encounter, a whm can run all over the field and be safe. While I agree that if a melee is below 20% hp that they should avoid the possibility of taking any more damage (because leaving combat for 20 seconds spares a lot more of your total damage than dying and waiting for a revive), but don't act like a whms' job is hard to do. If you want to be considered a good healer, you need to be able to counteract other peoples' stupidity, plain and simple. If you want to be an adequate whm, keep the tank alive.
    I don't carry people's stupidity, the tank does. People can be as stupid as they like, but if I run around the field trying to heal them, I'm going to find myself out of range of tank or out of MP or both and then its a wipe.

    Don't act like you know how to play WHM.

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