Guess it is time for my periodic diatribe against SE and their lack of support for the Local Levee system. Yoshida-San if you are not going to support this system why do we even have it? It continues to be an exercise in futility. At the moment I am trying to level Crp, Alc and Cul. After visiting all 3 cities at a cost of 10K I was actually able to obtain 2 Crp quests within my current level range. Absolutely nothing for Alc and Cul. This has been a conrinuing problem for the past 18 months. I and others have complained about it and as usual we have been totally ignored by SE. Yoshida-San either correct this problem or get rid of the local levee system and come right out and tell the populace that if they want to level DoH they must spend countless hours on DoL the get Mats or have to spend boatloads of Gil for the Mats. At least then we will know where we stand. You have spent time developing Regional Levees to make them meaningful. Please do the same for Local Levees. I know I will receive no response from SE but I had to post this anyways.