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  1. #1
    Fenral's Avatar
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    Revelations from Patch 4.56

    Stealing Moose's thunder (just this once, I swear) to keep the time-honored tradition of post-patch freakout thread going. Also, I woke up at 4AM on accident, so yeah...

    For newcomers and old hands alike, the format is to preface all commentary with the name of the questline (i.e. Main Scenario), followed by a [ HB] [/ HB] block containing your thoughts. Also be sure to preserve spoiler tags for any quotes, as they tend to get trimmed by the reply button.


    That was nuts, kupo!

    So, without further ado:

    Main Scenario:
    Still no new clues as to the identity of the Mysterious Enigmatic Figure, to which I can only say: could anyone else be the perpetrator of such a head-against-wall anticlimax? I think not. It seems we're on our way to finding Nero's scanner, at long last, but that's about it on that front.

    I think the "extra scene" Ishihara was referring to was the post-post credits stinger, with the WoL staring pensively at the Crystal Tower. Nice to see some acknowledgement that that questline is Vault-tier baggage for a lot of people, but I would have liked more actual revelations before the expac, y'know?

  2. #2
    Anonymoose's Avatar
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    Ha! Thanks! I "slept in."

    And, maybe it's the whole "took 3 hours of sleep so I could accomplish both coursework and FFXIV" thing, but I'm looking at 2.55 and 3.56, and this feels unexpectedly brief and uneventful. A quick catch-up with Maxima and Cid, no change in the situation at Ghimlyt, and Elidibus!Zenos's ominous arrival was for a brief encounter with no closure or change in the status quo. We've still got friends in Ishgard, though Estinien is used as a plot coupon, sight unseen, to reset the stage act. We catch a glimpse of the man behind The Voice, who offers little beyond mentioning Crystal Tower and the First.

    Was this two separate patches three months apart for any reason but to serve Fan Festival flow and keep us subbed between January and July?

    A side dish of confusion for me is Actual!Zenos. He had a perfectly cromulent death in 4.0 and I really thought that by now he'd have done something to inspire confidence in that undoing it was a good idea. Even if he's going to do something only he could do in 5.x, it'll be two Earth years later. For the time being, it appears he'll be an incidentally helpful wildcard in purging of Ascians / Varis from the Empire before we have one last climactic battle and put him away for good.

    At least Tataru is still a cinnamon bun. You can always count on Tataru.
    Last edited by Anonymoose; 03-26-2019 at 09:41 PM.
    "I shall refrain from making any further wild claims until such time as I have evidence."
    – Y'shtola

  3. #3
    YianKutku's Avatar
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    Main Scenario:

    Dancer as ranged DPS: Cool, I get to try a new DPS, and my SCH queues are going to be instant.

    Viera and Hrothgar genderlocked: Well, I never understood the appeal of Viera, and I have no interest in "beastly" races, so I'll let others complain about it. I'm looking forward to learning their lore, though.

    Knowing as much after 4.56 as we did before: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS ALL WE ARE GETTING WE KNOW NOTHING

    My salt is immense.

  4. #4
    KageTokage's Avatar
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    I'll be honest, this last bit of MSQ was really disappointing in terms of what it told us.

    We still don't know why we need to become the Warrior of Darkness, why the Source is in danger, what happened to the Scions, etc.

    It didn't really pose many new questions nor answer many existing ones (Aside from what real Zenos is scheming), which left me feeling rather empty at the end.

    I think I'm most curious about just how in the know Elidibus is about the whole situation at the First, considering that he heard the voice talking to us, but is seemingly unaware of what Solus is plotting.

  5. #5
    MrThinker's Avatar
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    I was waiting for so much more but all I got was some (admittedly nice-looking) clothes

    It was dissapointingly short, and while we have a higher likelihood of this Enigmatic Figure being G'raha Tia, I still see no reason not to reveal that... unless they reveal that rather than the crystal tower being a one off acknowledgement, they REALLY want everyone to go through it.

    Also the Varis face before the credits is gonna give me nightmares. And also gives me concerns for how things are gonna go while we are on the First

    The trial was hilarious and the antics of Hildy never cease to amuse me either, though I'm a bit miffed that the Thavnairian consulate just got a small side-role in side-content. I'm not certain how people will react to Jimmy = Greg but I found it amusing in the moment, and that dance is a great addition to the emotes. It also seems that thanks to Greg's dimensional warping powers, we may see the inspector in Norvrandt?
    Last edited by MrThinker; 03-26-2019 at 08:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Player Dualgunner's Avatar
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    The final fight against Zenos was really satisfying. It felt like a culmination of all the mechanics we've come to learn throughout Stormblood, and destroying him while finessing my way through all of his mechanics felt so very satisfying.

    Beyond that though...this story patch felt kind of lacking. As has been said by others, it feels like we've made no real progress with what we know. Was telling us to go to the Crystal Tower so fucking pressing of an issue (nevermind that we're waiting another 3 months anyway) that totally-not-G'raha had to drag us through, right there and then, to tell us to go to the Crystal Tower? What would he have done if Estinien hadn't saved us?

    "Oh good I finally got y--and your mortal form is dead. Shoot."

    Yeah, thanks not-G'raha. Could have waited five more minutes. MY PHONE IS OFF FOR A REASON >:C

    I wonder if they're going to follow up on the fact that the popular rumor is that Zenos killed us? Going by what Aymeric told us, everyone believes a mortal blow was struck against us, and Tataru looked very relieved to see us back. Is it possible Garlemald will play the "We killed the WoL!" propaganda game while we're off gallivanting about on the First Shard? Would be an interesting spin on our return from the First.

    That's all I got for now. Doesn't feel like a lot to chew on for three more months...

    Ten characters must be outside of the spoiler brackets.

  7. #7
    Remus's Avatar
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    I must admit... the MSQ this time around felt pretty underwhelming. I honestly feel the patch should have come before Fanfest and it really feels like that.


    After seeing this patch I am starting to wonder if they should split the story content if it's going to be like this. It was short and hardly gave us anything. This patch story was supposed to show/tell us why we are becoming the WoD but it didn't really show that... we even get an outfit which is more dark themed but I still feel it didn't fit in that situation like at all. It was nice seeing everyone trying to beat Zenos until we arrive but everything outside that... idk just felt lacking. Like I said above it really feels like this was supposed to release before fanfest and then they show us the full trailer.

    The part where they mention Estinien saving us, they should have shown that instead of just basically telling us and put a screenshot. The fight we have with Zenos was good as well. If I have to compare this ending to the others I would call this one the weakest of them and it's very below the others.

    Also by the way speak with Unukalhai he has extra dialogue if you pick tell me about yourself.
    Last edited by Remus; 03-26-2019 at 08:34 PM.

  8. #8
    Player Dualgunner's Avatar
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    Nice catch Remus!
    Thanks for the tip there! That was really interesting; hearing about the Thirteenth's WoL's (iirc that's what he was) opinion on the First's situation was neat.

  9. #9
    Duskane's Avatar
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    isnt it messed up that goblet is a housing area and not a tiny goblin
    Dusk Himmel
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    hien part was so boring also was hoping for us to break (not) zenos helmet and not lame old lyse
    rest of it was really good almost teared up in some scenes

    Beast tribes

    pretty underwhelming not just rewards but how it ended


    was great loved these quest all the way through very humorous cant believe gilgamesh really also heart stopped for a bit with enkidu parts

  10. #10
    KDSilver's Avatar
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    I don't know if I may ask this here, but, what is from the game scenario point of view "Light" and "Darkness" ?
    What does this mean to "spread Light" or "spread Darkness" ?

    Doing "good" things ? Saving people ? = Light ?
    Spreading darkness means making them suffer ?

    I'm really confused about their definition.

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