I'm against this. While the items are not labeled as Artifact gear, they hold a similar function, in that many of the items were designed specifically for that job, to be worn by that job, and to hold the look intended only for that job.

At the end of the day, little things like this are what makes the jobs unique and special, visually. I don't think that should be watered down and lost. I think you should be able to look at someone, and without inspecting them or watching them do an animation, know that "yes, that person is X job", if a person wants to glamour that way.

IF they did remove the restriction, I think it should only change things from being "Goldsmith only" to being "DoH only". The people that put in the time and effort to level crafting jobs should be able to retain unique armor sets to only those jobs. If I can't glamor my CUL or Botanist to look like a WHM or NIN, then I don't think that it should work the other way around either. Fair is fair. It's all, or it's nothing. Unless you remove all restrictions, some restrictions need to stay to keep the balance.

It might be seen as petty that some people want to keep a special/unique look to only one job, so that it stays special and unique, but honestly, I'd rather be petty then see anything with significance lose what makes it something that stands out.