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  1. #1
    Meowls's Avatar
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    Meowly Cyrus
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    Increase friends list limit from 200 to 300 or possibly 400 Meow!

    We are united in peaceful protesting against Square Enix to have our friends limits adjusted! Our tails are raised high as Miqo'te and we're hissing mad, I've always had 200 friends since after shortly joining FFXIV but meow I'm so sick with the 200 limit I'm caughing up hair balls! I am not alone, I urge anyone who wants Square Enix to increase your limit over 200 friends to peacefully protest by following up to my post until this thread becomes so big they can't ignore it exist along with the need to give us more friend list spots! I'd also like to add on a smaller degree of importance , us Miqo'te want a free complimentary flea collar every six months in our in-game mail If you want to see the friends list limits changed , please reply to the thread until it becomes so huge they give it consideration and remember to obey rules and keep this a peaceful protest!

  2. #2
    moogins's Avatar
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    I've been playing around 5 years now or so, and made a lot of friends. It really feels like the 200 limit just isnt enough to fit everyone anymore, and hasnt been for awhile, to the point where a large portion of my friends are just people i regularly see around towns.

    They are no less real friends than the friends who are on my friend list, and its not simply a matter of removing inactives from my existing friend list either, as there are none. It would really go a long to helping out if there was an expansion to the friend list, better accommodate the growing number of friends we've made over the course of our adventures in Eorzea. Our inventory space has grown to reflect the growth of our adventures, it would follow if our friend lists did likewise.

  3. #3
    FuzzyJCats's Avatar
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    Friend List Needs To Be Increased to At Least 500

    agree with OP. I'm an officer of Perpetual Cuteness (CUTE) at Midgardsormr, and we have around 500 members.

    Our motto is that we're the kindest friends of all Eorzea, so it's a bad look if I can't friend all the members of my FC! Snubbing members due to lack of friend slots goes against our mission statement.

    Can we expand to 500 please????