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  1. #31
    Alleo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MicahZerrshia View Post

    But I could see the scions just not mentioning we are primals since we are the ones keeping the big ones at bay, fight fire with fire. Honestly only a few people would even know, Y'shtola for sure and maybe Krile, Minfillia, Louisioux, Matoya and Urianger and even some of those are suspect if our aetheric readings are not as large as say Ifrit. And we do use a ton of aetheric energy with them big Ascian killing weapons we developed. Heck we had to use Tupsimati to kill off just 1 and you saw how much that thing conducts. So the scions are willing to use large amounts of aether to suit their own needs while complaining and fighting others who do the same thing. They are very hypocritical in everything they do, due to being blinded by their own self righteousness.

    As for the Mothercrystal, she turned Minfillia into a Primal of sorts by making her an avatar, so Hydaelyn is also not beyond using primals either when it suits her own needs.
    The problem is that we were not famous when we started and we were also not the WoL from the beginning. We were just an adventurer with the echo and as soon as someone like Ysthola or Thancred noticed that we are primals they would have battled us because at the beginning we were not companions. We were strangers that earned the respect by doing things for them but they should have noticed something off rather soon thus way to early for them to have any respect.

    Also Minfilia is not really a primal . She is more like a light side Ascian or kinda like the counterpart to Elidibus. And Ascians are not primals either.

    (So the increase to 3000 only counts in general forum..meh)
    Last edited by Alleo; 07-04-2018 at 07:43 PM.
    Letter from the Producer LIVE Part IX Q&A Summary (10/30/2013)
    Q: Will there be any maintenance fees or other costs for housing, besides the cost of the land and house?
    A: In older MMOs, such as Ultima Online, there was a house maintenance fee you had to pay weekly, but in FFXIV: ARR we decided against this system. Similarly, these older MMOs also had a system where your house would break down if you didn’t log in after a while in order to have you continue your subscription, but this is a thing of the past and we won't have any system like that.

  2. #32
    Gemina's Avatar
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    I don't believe the WoL is a primal. However, his/her influence has become so strong that an untimely death, or another great threat coming to Hydaelyn after their passing could result in countless prayers for his/her return. Someone with a strong attachment and faith to the WoL whether genuine or misplaced could pull off another deception like what was done to Tiamat to have Bahamut return. However, I feel this is a downgrade as the Primal version of the WoL wouldn't actually be the WoL, but a manifestation based on the prayers of the most faithful, and susceptible to the same Allagan technologies used to bind and trap them.

    Upon King Thordan's death, he asks, "What are you?" and sees a distorted, almost monstrous version of us. Whether this is just the result of the shock and unacceptance of his own defeat, or in his final moments he sees a truth that no one else has is really up to interpretation. Either way, both Hydaelyn and Migarsomr acknowledge the WoL as mortal, albeit an extremely powerful one. We have to remember that Hydaelyn 'chose' to give us her blessing after her trial of sorts, so deductive reasoning would conclude that whatever your character's backstory is, we were not born with her blessing. The echo is another story though.

    So your character's backstory is left for you to write. It is your own ball of clay. I explained my mysterious power comes from being a Lunarian (so not even human). However, my character's knowledge of this only comes from the passing words of her adoptive father. I would imagine many of Eorzean's finest have also developed origins to their character to explain their immense power.

  3. #33
    Cilia's Avatar
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    It was actually explained in an interview or something that Thordan's vision was just his point of view - his inability to comprehend how the Warrior of Light was able to overcome him led to him seeing them as some sort of monster in his last moments. The Warrior of Light is very powerful, but they were gifted that power because Hydaelyn considered (and implicitly still considers) them to be the best fit for driving away the darkness. They're not powerful for the sake of being powerful, they're powerful because they're resilient and use that gifted power for the common good. (Cf. Zenos, roughly on par with the Warrior of Light but who uses his power for the sake of selfish entertainment through warmongering and violence.)

    While it's unknown if anyone would try to summon a primal version of the Warrior of Light if they died, them actually dying would have very negative repercussions. It's... likely, I'd argue, given the Warriors of Darkness' entire plan in the end was to kill the Warrior of Light and throw Eorzea into despair, implicitly leading Eorzeans to summoning a primal and kickstarting a Calamity. We do know that primals are not the genuine article, however - the Bahamut summoned by Tiamat is no more authentic than the Shiva summoned by Ysayle.
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  4. #34
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    I do recall one Lalafell mentioning how the WoL looks an awful lot like an adventurer that helped him fight drive off the Sirens, and praises him/her for carrying on their parents traditions.

    But said Lalafell is also very old, and possibly drinks a lot. So it could just as easily be that time earlier in the MSQ when the WoL helped him drive off the Sirens, and he's just getting his memories muddled.

  5. #35
    TinyRedLeaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekimmak View Post
    I do recall one Lalafell mentioning how the WoL looks an awful lot like an adventurer that helped him fight drive off the Sirens.
    That would be Mimidoa Nanadoa, who had a larger role in the legacy Limsa Lominsa quests of version 1.0.

    In short, what he said had nothing to do with the WoL's origin. It was, in fact, a reference to an Armorer and Blacksmith storyline back in 1.0.

  6. #36
    Hinoto-no-Ryuji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MicahZerrshia View Post
    Primal lore in convoluted at best. And there is no one specific way they work since the lore is always being built upon and there are many various types of primals and not just one set template.

    Being beings of the mothercrystal we could simply be just like those beams then. A manifestation of aether, not a primal like ruda that corrupts aether on a massive scale, still a primal of sorts. We have learned Primal is not a cut and dry thing and they come in many variations.

    Sure we do not consume crystals but we also may not be aware that we can if we are unaware we are primals. Perhaps the other primals were unaware of their abilities until they learned what they could do by absorbing crystals. Ysayle showed us a person with the echo can learn to use crystals and take a full primal form and not be detectable when they are not full on primal mode because they are not ever absorbing aether from around them. Having the echo could just be an indicator or a pupal or unrealized primal. And we have fought beside at least 1 primal and it was fine and dandy. So again its ok when we do it. Lore is such a fickle thing.

    But the case for us being a Primal is not closed. There are just too many variables and unknowns.
    I'm late to the party, but this is actually wrong (though by all means, feel free to correct me if I'm missing something). Behind a spoiler box because it's technically a side-tangent:

    (1) Primal lore is not especially convoluted, or at least not the way you're implying - they're beings created from aether and prayer/belief and are both powered by and feed off each.

    (2) There aren't really "various types" of Primals. There are really just two: the traditional sort that are formed completely from the above elements, and the sort that are manifested into human bodies. It actually is pretty cut-and-dry.

    (3) The reason Primals absorb crystals is because they absorb aether. It's not just something they CAN do, like tempering; it's a fundamental aspect of their nature, because they need aether to exist. This is the entire reason they're so dangerous - they continuously absorb aether from their surroundings, eventually killing the land. Again, this is a fundamental aspect of Primals; nothing in the existing lore shows an exception to this, and there's no reason to believe such a basic piece of the lore will be contradicted any time soon.

    (4) Yes, Ysayle and Thordan could manifest themselves into Primals, but you're mis-characterizing the nature of that ability. They weren't permanently Primals capable of hiding and "turning off" their aether-siphoning nature, they were people who were sometimes the host for Primals. When Shiva wasn't manifested, Ysayle stopped being a Primal, which is why she wasn't detectable and didn't consume aether when not Shiva.

    (5) Considering all that, as plenty have pointed out, the case for us being a Primal actually is closed. There would have to be a major fundamental shift in the nature of the game's lore to accommodate the Warrior of Light being revealed as a Primal, and it would open a thousand questions as to why Midgardsormr, the various other Primals, the Garleans, and the Scions themselves never even hinted at it. We're just a highly-skilled warrior favored by the Mothercrystal. That's all.

    Anyways, I'd welcome a chance to flesh out aspects of my character's backstory more, but it would never be anything more than fluff at best, and would arguably be a bit restrictive at worse. As it stands, we're pretty free to define any and all aspects of our WoL's life prior to rocking up to our city state of choice, and there's no way the dev team could possibly account for the sheer variety of character back stories that surely exist. What I would like is regional/racial quests that flesh out the various settings that characters could come from, as I think this would give more specific contexts for players to form back stories around.
    Last edited by Hinoto-no-Ryuji; 07-07-2018 at 11:20 AM.

  7. #37
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    Whilst an origin story might not be people\\\\'s liking what I would like would be more variations of situations that can be affected by the roles the WoL have played.These small things IMO would definitely help with RP and such. Like if you are a DRK, somewhere in the MSQ there could be a moment where you get quite pissed off and a \\\\'DRK\\\\' option could appear amongst the dialogue options where you lash out, surprising people. Or another example if there is a moment where you get ambushed, if you have been leveling a Ninja, your training means you sense an incoming attack (which could also translate into having a slight buff or advantage in the duty battle afterwards). Hell even crafting jobs, like if you are a culinarian, during a scene where people are depressed or hungry there could be a dialogue option where you whip up something for the group and the mood livens up for the rest of the scene.
    These options I could definitely be in favor of seeing more of.

  8. #38
    Brightamethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zearin View Post
    Whilst an origin story might not be people\\\\'s liking what I would like would be more variations of situations that can be affected by the roles the WoL have played.These small things IMO would definitely help with RP and such. Like if you are a DRK, somewhere in the MSQ there could be a moment where you get quite pissed off and a \\\\'DRK\\\\' option could appear amongst the dialogue options where you lash out, surprising people. Or another example if there is a moment where you get ambushed, if you have been leveling a Ninja, your training means you sense an incoming attack (which could also translate into having a slight buff or advantage in the duty battle afterwards). Hell even crafting jobs, like if you are a culinarian, during a scene where people are depressed or hungry there could be a dialogue option where you whip up something for the group and the mood livens up for the rest of the scene.
    These options I could definitely be in favor of seeing more of.
    Go to an inn and rewatch that scene where Zenos attacks Rhalgr's Reach as a healer and see what happens

    While I'd love to see more flavor like that I can understand the reluctance to add such things. It would make creating cutscenes that much more complicated. Especially if they were based on all jobs leveled, not just your current one. It'd be nearly impossible to avoid conflicts for the people who have multiple jobs leveled.
    Last edited by Brightamethyst; 07-10-2018 at 02:49 AM. Reason: 1000 characters

  9. #39
    Iscah's Avatar
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    The downside of “special acknowledgement of the player’s class” is that it creates so many moments that people will miss out on seeing, unless they spend a huge amount of time rewatching cutscenes for the one moment that changes - and even then, I’ve read that certain variable cutscenes might not show up when you rewatch them at the inn later?

    Also it’ll probably create a whole lot more “I was class X in that scene, so why couldn’t I do Y?” kind of issues...

  10. #40
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    What if it was possible for there to be an entity who similiar to Primals is able to draw strenght from belief, but unlike them is still made of mortal flesh instead of aether, so they don't do the whole aether guzzling part?
    And it's possible for a person to end up in such a state given the right stimuli?

    And thus you end up with a person who is unknowingly empowered by the belief and gratitude of the masses.
    So you have one of the two major components of a primal, but not the other one.
    Also a heck of a lot harder to accomplish than making a Primal, as it would require months or years of incubation even after isolating a suitable individual while having them perform enough heroic deeds to gain large-scale admiration from the people without getting killed in the process, which is easier said than done.

    This is all off course wild guessing from trying to come up with an explanation for how the WOL is able to grow stronger at such a rapid rate, with particularly notable spikes in ability after traveling to new regions.

    The basic idea is that Primals may not be the only ones able to benefit from the power of belief.
    Last edited by Mixt; 07-12-2018 at 01:55 AM.

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