When submitting a bug report, please use the below template and thoroughly fill out the necessary information.

Date & Time: 4:00pm
Frequency: always
World name: coeurl
Character name: Sadistic God
Retainer name: n/a
NPC name: n/a
Monster name: Dungeons
Class/Level: Warrior/61
Party or solo: both
In-game time: n/a
Area and coordinates: dungeons/instances
Housing: n/a
Steps: If I'm doing a Duty Roulette, I'm not getting the experience from it at the end for completion.
"You gain 912600 marauder experience points.
A bonus of 912,600 experience points and 9,300 gil has been awarded for using the duty roulette." I get neither, only experience i gain is from the monsters within the dungeon or instance I'm doing.