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  1. #41
    Trinket's Avatar
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    100% agree with everything listed.

    I'm gonna give my thoughts on a few more though (some copy/paste from a different post):

    I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it punishes teams less for having bad healers or tanks because they are revived right away, making harder for the other team to gain follow-up kills. Unfortunately, this also results in very minute movement in the match. Most matches I've experienced, people have stood in one corner of the map with minimal movement. This is also a little boring and makes the match feel slower.

    Potential Solutions
    Make respawn times longer to make the death of an ally more punishing
    Keep the current respawn time, but have them respawn at the spawn point in the beginning of the map

    Issues with Current Display
    Map is too bright and clashes with different colors, which can make it hard to read enemy names/jobs. The light blue in particular makes it hard to read names that are blue in color.
    People need to be able to read names to monitor the position of players.
    The new icons next to people's names that are supposed to display their job icons are very small and unhelpful. In contrast with the brightness of the new map, they look like small black squares that just clutter up the screen.

    Light Medals
    It feels as though this was not a necessary addition. It feels like another method to punish winning teams by giving them a harder time to land kills (i.e. mitigate damage when they have heavy medals). I'm sure if light medals were removed, it would not have much of an impact on the games; the current debuff of heavy medals would suffice for evening out games. It's clear they made it with the intention of giving leeway to people that often get farmed; so for all the effort of including it to not go to waste, I'd like to suggest they put this in 4v4 Training only.

    Quick Chat Options
    Needs a little more variety.
    If there are no intentions of re-implementing the Offensive/Defensive Kits at ALL, then there's two chat options that are removable.
    I'm sure wanted Quick Chat options are:
    ◘ Ready to attack!
    ◘ <target> pick up the medals!
    ◘ Also please add a sound effect for the Quick Chat command for Attacking Target.
    ◘ A good addition would be an option to let team members know how much gauge you have. For example: "Beast Gauge at 70!" or "Oath Gauge at 15!". It would make games higher quality by
    letting your teammates know if you are able to Cover them or use Onslaught or something.

    Job Feedback: WAR
    The new Thrill of War change is very nice. The removal of Upheaval and re-addition of Inner Release is not. Their relatively slow build-up paired Inner Release makes gauge management a bit harder compared to the other two tanks (DRK builds it with their resource replenishment Souleater combo and TBN; PLD builds it with every attack and now with Shield Bash), especially when the player gets gauges with the value of 5. The removal of Upheaval makes the job seem weak in practice. It gives the job the feeling it had in 4.0 where it felt clunky and the bursts felt non-impactful because the 2000 potency is spread out in 10 seconds, similar to RDM.

    Potential Solutions
    ◘ Remove Inner Release and add Upheaval.
    ◘ Make instead of having Inner Release halve gauge cost, make it similar to its PvE counterpart where the player does not consume gauge for using certain skills while it is active.
    ◘ Similar to PLD's Shield Bash buff, give WARs more ways to conserve/produce more beast gauge. For example: remove Beast Gauge cost for Onslaught, have Tomahawk give 10 gauge, and
    have Thrill of War give 20 gauge.
    ◘ Buff Fell Cleave and/or Onslaught's damage.
    Note: These changes are to be applied exclusively (only one), not collectively.

    Combat System
    As much as I like how many people it's grabbing, it can get boring fairly fast. It would be nice to get more abilities. Maybe one or two to start with. It would be a good chance to bring back PvP-specific abilities like Tetsudo or Carnal Chill. A way to record games in-game would be nice too. It could work as evidence of foul play or a way to watch your replays and improve.

    A bunch of these were already mentioned, but repeating stuff won't hurt, I guess!
    Last edited by Trinket; 02-15-2018 at 05:15 PM. Reason: Added a bunch more stuff

  2. #42
    Community Rep Kaposhipi's Avatar
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    Greetings everyone,

    Thank you very much for your feedback! We will be forwarding all of it to the dev. team.

    The pre-season is still on-going so if you have any more feedback, please keep sharing it with us!

    Clément "Kaposhipi" Ruggeri - FFXIV EU Community Team

  3. #43
    Oliekin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trinket View Post
    A way to record games in-game would be nice too. It could work as evidence of foul play or a way to watch your replays and improve.
    Duty recorder would likely be implemented to feast but it won't work as evidence. It's consent based and SE isn't going to change that fact about it. Using video as evidence and punishing someone for it even if it's justified, if the person is unaware they were recorded or did not give consent to be and they found out it was used SE is in a whole world of trouble.

    However beside this it would be a helpful tool for teams to improve their game.

    With some changes from SE's end and a proactive community collectively working against these people it would make their attempts to manipulate the board rankings unsuccessful at least the ones you have the misfortune of getting put on a team with in solo que.
    Last edited by Oliekin; 02-15-2018 at 10:00 PM.

  4. #44
    RinrinHeartilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaposhipi View Post
    Greetings everyone,

    Thank you very much for your feedback! We will be forwarding all of it to the dev. team.

    The pre-season is still on-going so if you have any more feedback, please keep sharing it with us!

    Thank you, Kaposhipi!!! Great to know our feedback is welcomed
    Join the Wolf Pups Den Discord - dedicated to helping new/existing players learn and improve in the Feast!

  5. #45
    Airget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliekin View Post
    Duty recorder would likely be implemented to feast but it won't work as evidence. It's consent based and SE isn't going to change that fact about it. Using video as evidence and punishing someone for it even if it's justified, if the person is unaware they were recorded or did not give consent to be and they found out it was used SE is in a whole world of trouble.

    However beside this it would be a helpful tool for teams to improve their game.

    With some changes from SE's end and a proactive community collectively working against these people it would make their attempts to manipulate the board rankings unsuccessful at least the ones you have the misfortune of getting put on a team with in solo que.
    There's a really simple fix though. You can't participate in Feast unless you give consent to be recorded. Then said recording are sent to the SE office and if an issue does arise X player can contact as GM and be like "Check Y fight between A and see if there was cheating going on"

    It's honestly a simple implementation. I would rather they force record consent to participate in Feast than to allow cheaters to play in Feast.

  6. #46
    Player Theodric's Avatar
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    As far as my own feedback is concerned, I think I'll stick primarily to discussing rewards to be purchased with Wolf Marks:

    - Can we please see the rest of the PvP music added as orchestrion rolls?
    - Can some unique crafting recipes for glamour be added that require materials that can only be purchased through Wolf Marks? I feel like that would help increase interest in PvP and serve as something for players to make gil from if they find themselves with a large amount of Wolf Marks to spare after acquiring everything else they want from PvP.
    - More minions! Perhaps miniature versions of the mechs in Rival Wings?

  7. #47
    Aviars's Avatar
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    It wasn't discussed, but I would like to add that I think diminishing Returns and crowd control in general should be changed back to what it was in heavensward. Right now there isn't an real strategy to using stuns or anything especially due to the fact that occurs so frequently than it did in the past.

    Anyways, I think diminishing returns should go back to 60 seconds, with 3 sets of diminishing return, just like it was in heavensward and re-balance stuns/silence/sleep/slows accordingly. The only thing I would keep from stormblood is the visual debuff that shows the diminishing return, and you can have the debuff stack up to three to show how diminished it is.

  8. #48
    NyneSwordz's Avatar
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    I like the stormblood revamp of pvp system. But 2 to even 4 more skills is okay imo. Enough to add more depth but not enough to make gameplay overly complicated.

    I love inner release. I vote to keep it in pvp. But pls make it like pve where it removes rage cost

  9. #49
    Squintina's Avatar
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    Personally for respawn, shorter timers are better. In other esports, respawn times are also quite short because the idea is to keep players engaged. It's pretty rare to see respawn times increase per death because that just means weaker players are double punished for their deaths and makes them more likely to quit than try to improve.

    But I also agree that respawning right where you died also makes the kill less meaningful for the stronger player.

    Balance is important.

    IMO: Respawn point should be back at base. Respawn time should be short, and not increase with deaths.

    This should honestly be for all pvp modes (Looking at you frontlines. Losing team is pretty much guaranteed to never catch up because of those increasing death timers)

    As far as number of skills, I understand why having less skills is good to get more players in there.
    But surely we could have a few more. At least enough for a full cross bar or 2 keyboard hotbars.
    Last edited by Squintina; 02-17-2018 at 04:38 AM.

  10. #50
    YukiSilveria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaposhipi View Post
    Greetings everyone,

    Thank you very much for your feedback! We will be forwarding all of it to the dev. team.

    The pre-season is still on-going so if you have any more feedback, please keep sharing it with us!

    Please fix the eternal bonds reservation and ceremony slots issue

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