Join VIP!

We are a community of adult, mature, veteran gamers. We are dedicated to a friendly, team focused, fun-loving gaming environment where every member is important and not just a member on a roster. We seek to foster long term friendships among members and enhance the online gaming experience that FF XIV has to offer by virtue of those friendships. We want to adventure together and have a great time doing it, and to continue to add value to the FF XIV community. Our main goal first and foremost is to have fun and play as a team continuing to beat all the new challenges implemented by the developers.

We maintain our belief in team first, members first, friends first, while still advancing through end game content and having a lot of fun while doing so. We have attained Rank 8 and got a medium house during Housing Savage in SB. We also have a discord and we run events almost everyday.

If you are interested in joining, please check out our website!