I've had about a week to fiddle with my job gauage and I've had two bits of feedback I wanted to offer. If anyone else wants to add any feedback for their job gauage, please feel free and I'll add it to the OP.

All Job Gauges: Would it be possible to add a Transparency control for the various job gauges? I've been struggling to find somewhere comfortable for my job gauage that stays in my line of sight but does not obsure what's going on in front of me. A transparency option would assit greatly in this.

Barb Job Gauge: Would it be possible to add a counter for Straight Shot somewhere on each of the three song gauges? Currently the count down for SS is still on our buff bar, meaning if we don't have our gauge close to our bar it can cause us to miss SS winding down since our eyes would be jumping around the screen going to and from the buff bar, hot bar, song gauge and the actual enviroment to do mechanics. Adding a count down for SS to the gauge would help reduce the amount of real estate one's eyes have to dance across.