These requests come from myself and many of my FC mates. I know the last one I heard from many people among the Balmung server though.

Final Fantasy 9's - Save the Queen sword. I feel this would be a great glamour for any lover of the Final Fantasy series. It's not too outlandish in appearance and can be useful for both Gladiator class and even the upcoming Red Mage class. Final Fantasy 9's - Freya's Dragoon outfit. While many Dragoon outfits tend to go more towards that of heavily armored. The reinforced attire of Freya's chain and tunic always seemed to feel much more classy. Like a formal attire for that of a Dragoon. I feel something along these lines would be amazing and could fit into the lore very well if a crest were added to it that could change via dye as well. Final Fantasy 14 - Krile's Kitty Coat. Confession, I just really want this and I know quite a few people want it as well.