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Thread: Retainer UI

  1. #1
    craized's Avatar
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    Retainer UI

    is seriously awful.

    its like SE quickly smashed together a temporary system with the aim of adding to it later. and then just never bothered. its a pain to use and even though I love the functionality available from retainers, it always sets my teeth on edge when I try to use them.

    my thoughts on the matter:

    there needs to be a more user friendly UI. something with the ability to look at each retainer individually, but also collectively.

    the ability to collect gil from all retainers at once, but the option to do so individually
    the ability to send retainers on ventures all at once, but the option to do so individually
    the ability to see and manage everything you have for sale on all retainers at once. but the option to do so individually
    the ability to manage each retainers bank space without having to back up and restart each time.

    basically I want to retain (pardon the pun) all the current functionality, but in a more user friendly and less time wasteful way

  2. #2
    Dreggit's Avatar
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    Can you do up a few example user interfaces to show what you want?

  3. #3
    MistyMew's Avatar
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    I would like a search button at the main UI menu (where all retainers are listed) like we have when using the MB. So I can type in a partial search and all retainers are checked.

    I'm not always at a MB to right click on an item listed there or have an item to already in my inventory to right click. A small addition but would find it handy

    Also the usual search results that display in the chat is too long and drawn out..... Oo just give me the name of retainer+amount..short and sweet. Reducing of all the fill in text and the separation of high or low quality.

    just - iron ore-Maggy -99.
    .......-cotton yarn- Gypsy -3.

    when searching multiple items ,an entire screen of text is scrolling by... not to pleasing to the eyes nor user friendly to shuffle through.


  4. #4
    craized's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreggit View Post
    Can you do up a few example user interfaces to show what you want?
    Well I'm imagining a UI that pops up when you use the summoning bell and the first page is the main page with all the collective functions such as collect gil from all, view sales and sales log from all, collect venture from all and send all on last venture as well as an icon that correlates with each retainer you have, if you click on one of these icons, it takes you to that retainers tab and you can access features such as bank and equipment, and all the individual features normally associated with retainers. From here you can go back to the main page any time you want without having to back out and reopen like you do ATM.

  5. #5
    seekified's Avatar
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    I agree, text menus in general are an incredibly user-hostile way of navigating a system that has so many different features. They should really work on giving a more modern feel that's easier to navigate - the Khloe/Zhloe systems stand out from the older menus as being very good at using pictures instead of text, so perhaps something closer to that.

  6. #6
    Sida's Avatar
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    I truly hope we'll get major improvement to retainer interface when the PS3 support with it's gui limitations is dropped. What I would love to seecis possibility to open two retainer inventories at once for moving stuff between them.

    As for collective item search, there actually is already. The slash command /isearch "partial name" works wonders, just remember the quotation marks in case you use multiple words for the search string. It lists you all items matching it that you own somewhere, and being itemlinks, you can then check who has them. It's a bit clunky I admit, but better than nothing and good to know.
    If you say 'pls' because it's shorter than 'please', I say 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes'.

  7. #7
    DarkDedede's Avatar
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    I agree. I spend a good portion of my play time using the retainer interface. I find that this is one areas of the game that tend to become more grating depending on the frequency of use and the amount of content. As someone that currently has eight retainers and spends a good portion of their playtime buying, crafting and selling, I would welcome a more streamlined interface. Even a minor added convenience would be a big help.

    Here are some suggestions that I feel would be a great help to help alleviate what I like to call "interface laden management time."

    1. An option to set a retainer to automatically transfer gil from sales to another retainer. Too much time fleecing the retainers is better spent fleecing the market of desynth fodder.
    2. Allow more options for creating multiple identical listings. For example if I sell a stack of 33, and would like to sell another stack of 33, have the game preset the values for the second listing so players don't have to set the price manually for every instance of the same identical listing.
    2b. An additional input value for "number of listings" would be nice too. Say you want 6 stacks of 33. Just set the "number of listings" value to 6, and it make 6 listings for you. Provided you have the stock and open listings, of course.
    3. Give the player access to the numerical screen keyboard to input prices. The up/down controller option is just slow. I've seen the numerical keyboard implemented elsewhere. I see no reason why it can't be in the listing interface.

    Personally, I would also love to see the retainer selection menu display portraits of our retainers, similar to the squadron members. I've spent much more time with my retainers. I feel a bit more invested in my retainer characters, as opposed to some characters that were randomly generated. I would think that the interface devoted to the retainers deserve a bit more love at least in the area of presentation.
    Last edited by DarkDedede; 03-24-2017 at 10:44 AM.
    "Fun comes first. If it isn't fun, you're doing it wrong." -Naoki Yoshida

  8. #8
    Player Clethoria's Avatar
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    Well, I have 6 retainers with different jobs and use each for very specific purposes. So I find it good as they are. However, if there would be any changes, I'd think something like a Squadron would be most fitting. I'm thinking usage of Apartments, they gotta live somewhere too, or your own private housing and just have them all out at once for easier management.