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  1. #1
    Dractonis's Avatar
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    S Ranks & Resets

    You know when you've been waiting days for the HW and some of the longer ARR S ranks to open ... and it's getting to the time that their windows are ready for spawning, and you're all

    Then there is emergency maintenance. Hotfix. Sometimes the tiniest thing one bloke cares about.

    Come on, every maint is days again for some of them. Either reduce the cooldowns on some of the longer S ranks or find a way to not reset them when you do small updates, it's not fair waiting the best part of a week just to be able to spawn them.

    With the amount of effort required for some I think the cooldowns really need adjusting to be comparable to the reward, time put in and the likelihood of people actually getting there before it's killed.

  2. #2
    Bocknstein's Avatar
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    They should just outright make the ARR ones auto spawn after being killed just dont reward the current hunt seal rewards. I want the damn tiger and have wanted it since I first seen one in the mch quest but at the rate I hunt S ranks I will have it in about 20+ years(less than 50 S ranks killed in almost 4 years or so of gameplay) I also hope the dps like waiting because if an S spawns I will drop Q to kill it.