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  1. #1
    AriyaAnthurium's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Ariya Anthurium
    Main Class
    Dark Knight Lv 60

    Twin Snakes <Snake> is LF players of all origins and destinies.

    Hello, let me introduce myself, I'm Ariya Anthurium of the Malboro server, and FC leader for Twin Snakes <Snake>.

    Originally, Twin Snakes was a solo FC for over a year, and then recently, about 2+ months ago, I began recruiting and now we have over 90 wonderful players. From raids and dungeons/primals, to crafting/gathering(we have 4-star crafters available), to just community banter, we promote a positive and helpful community here at Twin Snakes.

    There are no elitist groups here, we encourage all players to play how they enjoy the game, and collectively are here if anyone needs assistance or would like to collaborate with further end-game content. We have a medium-sized house in the Mist as well as a workshop with an airship. We're currently saving for a mansion in Shirogane.

    We have Discord and a FB group available and love open communication! We'd love enthusiastic and motivated players to raise hands with us to prepare for the Stormblood hype!

    Last edited by AriyaAnthurium; 03-01-2017 at 07:29 AM.