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Thread: GC levequests

  1. #1
    XT_hydra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Xt Hydra
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    Gladiator Lv 60

    GC levequests

    1) you keep adding items to be bought with GC seals
    2) there's no lvl 60 GC levequests
    3) there's a big disparity in between what you can earn from GC seals and tradecraft levequests

    solution 1 : add a 8 members raid that consume 10 levequests upon entrance , reward you with GC seals and disable the possibility to enter as an undersized party(so that you don't have to update it and still feel like players arent getting cheap GC seals)

    solution 2 : add the possibility to consume 1 levequest for every GC provisioning quest that you complete for a doubled amount of reward
    Last edited by XT_hydra; 01-11-2017 at 03:09 AM.