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  1. #1
    Aeson_'s Avatar
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    Regarding Full Party Premades in Frontline and Patch 3.5

    Here is a topic that has caused a lot of controversy in FFXIV PvP; The allowance of full party premades/preformed parties in PvP.

    Summer 2015, when seal rock first came out, is when I first started pvp'ing. I was a solo queuing player who didn't have many friends, similar to many other new players. At the beginning, I noticed I was put up against a lot of the same names from the same servers on the same grand company, over and over, and eventually realized that some of these people were forming full parties and queuing together. Doing this lets them have a great advantage over players that solo queue, especially when those full parties consist of some top pvp veterans with a much higher level of experience. In addition, some of these players get together on voice chat to add to their coordination, putting a huge damper on the morale of solo players.

    Being exposed to full premades for so long, losing over and over, led me to frustration and into the mentality; "If you can't beat em', join em". Therefore, I took it into my own hands to start a party finder on my old server, and recruited like-minded players that wanted to premade, to try and somehow counter this. Keep in mind, this wasn't the right choice, but it was the best I could do to counter this situation - at least this way, I would get to enjoy frontlines a little, and finish the achievements, as it was nearly impossible to do either of those things while solo queuing against premades. Over the course of a year and a half, though, this arms race has led to the downfall of frontlines and has started some rivalry between premades in other grand companies. Why? Because the advantages of having a premade have slowly become insurmountable for newcomers and players that solo queue and because other premades saw it as a threat, which has added to the toxicity that greatly impacts the experience of a solo queuing player.

    Even though it's fun to form up a full party and go on a killing spree in frontlines (guilty as charged!), it completely ruins balance and gives up any impression of fairness. Thinking back to where I was at square one, I can now fully sympathize with the players that get the short end of the stick. When they're put up against a full premade, a group that ignores objectives and just goes on a killing fest, they have no idea what's going on. All of a sudden, this full party has pushed them to their base, into their spawn, and now they're simply farming them until they win. When you can't even get out of your base to compete for objectives, it seems hopeless.

    This, specifically, has led to the downfall of frontlines. Who in their right mind would queue for this? Even when queues are fast, it feels pointless; you're queuing simply for the privilege to be another group's cannon fodder. At a 30+ minute wait time? You'd have to be masochistic! That's why many players have simply stopped queuing for Frontline: you can get so much done in the hour a single match can take, that it's hard to justify spending your time losing like that. Premade fatigue is probably the single largest factor in why Frontline, while still enjoying success, hasn't been as nearly as active as it could be.

    A few of us that premade together want to help revitalize Frontlines, and we want to encourage newcomers to join in without having to worry about being put up against a full premade. We want premades to be limited and the rivalry between GC's to come to an end. No bad blood, either; We heard your complaints, and at this point we're not only sympathetic, but actually want something done about it. Believe it or not, we hate queuing up against premades just as much as you do, but as long as SE allows it, we feel as though we have no choice if we want to compete and try to win.

    Simply limiting premades to a light party (4 players) would be a step in the right direction, and could easily be the change that Frontline needs to remain alive after the 3.5 boost. Any gains that Frontline makes due to the GARO collab wil be short-lived unless the new players feel as though they have an honest chance to win. Hopefully the success of the 8v8 Feast queue's limitations make something like this more reasonable to ask.. As the queue for this mode is limited to a party of two and as of recent, queue times for 8v8 have been fairly active.

    Another type of mode that could be possible, is a full party 8v8 mode for frontline, similar to 4v4/light party feast. Though, I am not entirely sure how this can be organized, but that's why this post is being made; To get suggestions from the community.

    Right now, what I expect from 3.5's GC restrictions being removed, is that, if there are no limitations to how premades are formed, There will, without a doubt, be premades with top pvp players forming up and taking advantage of pugs/solo players in frontlines. It'll be even worse than it is now, because the only way "around" a full 8-man premade in a 24-man queue is to get farmed by them on one of the other two teams. That's not healthy in the short or the long term, and I sincerely hope it gets addressed at 3.5's launch.

    Please keep it clean and provide your mature opinion. Any opinion will be taken with serious consideration and can help bring awareness into the matter. The only way to improve the game further is for the community to pitch in.

    Full party premades are a major problem and should be given limitations in frontline.
    GC restriction removal in 3.5 will make the presence of full party premades even worse.
    Last edited by Aeson_; 12-31-2016 at 06:18 AM. Reason: words

  2. #2
    Zojha's Avatar
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    Before you continue further: You can just edit the opening post to circumvent the character limit.

  3. #3
    ThirdChild_ZKI's Avatar
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    I support this entirely. Having gone through similar experiences (to the point of even devising strategies to outsmart/contend with an aggressive premade), my bigger concerns lay with trying to help build up and make a more active PvP community.

    Let me divert for a moment to say that this is NOT an attempt to dilute PvP or make it a "safe space" if you will. But we must know what we're up against as a community: we're a competitive community largely misrepresented as toxic, selfish, unwelcoming of new people, and quick to pass judgements on players new or old, and while this is sometimes true, it is neither right nor fair to the majority of players who simply enjoy the competition and want to see the PvP community of this game grow.

    I've never held my tongue on the matter, and I won't now: Premades themselves are not inherently wrong. I like playing with friends who I can count on too. But premades that will ignore the intended objectives of the game mode and simply lock down opponents and overwhelm them do more harm than good. Were it easy enough to police ourselves on that, it would be a non-issue, but such is not always the case. The last thing we need - especially as SE finally moves to test the waters with GC restriction removal - is to compound the problem of long queues (which we've often said no GC restriction = shorter queues) by simply discouraging people to queue up because "X premade is out right now".

    Thus I believe – at least in this one case – a limitation to preformed parties is necessary (and I say this having recently formed my own too). A separate queue might not be the answer, as we’d again be splitting the community among active queues, but if smaller numbers of players can queue together, we still allow players who work well together a chance to do so, but not exclusively to one particular team or another. Don’t think of this as a restriction; think of it as a means to encourage more to approach PvP with an open mind, and a way to fight the negative stigmas our community has borne for so long.

  4. #4
    Chevronone's Avatar
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    Ive always pvped by myself. I taught myself pvp, have never been a part of any social aspects of the pvp community (i.e. lshells, discord) dont have friends who pvp or have found any new friends within pvp community, just familier names. I have almost 1k FL and over 1k Feast matches. I have never had issue achieving FL achievements, Im a few victories away from both ADS, have Seal Rock titles/gear and most 2.0 achv.

    With that being said, I do not think full premades should see the light of day in a 24 man match. Its inherently unbalanced for many obvious reasons. Now a full premade in 72m match? Lol, you could be with Odin, Ra, Vishnu and The Living Tribunal - its still going to be messier than the launch of No Mans Sky.

    Regardless, getting into an actual premade with skilled pvpers isn really an option for new ppl, since the community is small and established. Im not sure if Crossworld pf will work in FL, but if so, will insure the best from each world can summon Captain Planet.

  5. #5
    Moonlite's Avatar
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    Well unless something changes you can't que more then 8 at a time in frontlines. You can time que pops over chat. But without GC no guarantee that you would get the same alliance. I don't want any hidden background matchmaking systems to start. I hope to see the same type of system as PoTD. Premades will come from bad pugs as well. Frontlines is a three way match we will see enough curb stomping. You can just as easily get a game where a none premade chases you all game, or both teams pick on just you.

    Premades shine in games where objectives can be ignored or you can get cornered into a small area. Maybe in 4.0 and future maps they will design games where you don't all have to stand on a small platform together or stand around a giant ice for many minutes.

  6. #6
    Rilasha's Avatar
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    I agree that the prevention of premades could build the community and allow for people to have access to more "fair" gameplay.

    I've been a solo FL player the whole time I've been PvPing and there are times where a full premade will just stomp over the other two teams, to the point where the counterplay becomes "kill ice only, don't fight them, hope that they beat up the other team for a long time so we don't get hit as much". This sort of play is obviously terrible for even keeping average PvPers in the mode.

    If they do decide to keep allowing 8 player premades, I hope that they play only against other 8 player premades and allow the rest of us to play with each other in games where it's fun because it's not a stomp.

    That being said, the 8 player premade stomp event only really happens on NA data centres and doesn't really occur at all on my primary character's data centre at least, JP Elemental.

    (I actually enjoy playing Frontlines on my alt on Aether more... when it's not a stomp of course.)

    Also known as Yukikaze Yumishi on Midgardsormr.

  7. #7
    Guesswhat's Avatar
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    I'm on the edge here I guess. I liked doing premades (the short time it lasted), but facing off against premades several times in a row is very discouraging. Random pugs don't know what flank/sandwich means lol.

    For the existing community I'm sure there will be complaints if they remove the option to team up. At the same time it does have a huge potential to ruin the experience for newcomers after GC restrictions are removed. As of now there are no quickfix here; the community is simply too small to give a solid testing-ground for potential fixes (at least in NA and EU). However, reducing premade to max 4 seems like a good option. I would actually go so far to say that premades could only happen in custom matches, but, again, the community is too small for that.

  8. #8
    Lisieta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rilasha View Post
    That being said, the 8 player premade stomp event only really happens on NA data centres and doesn't really occur at all on my primary character's data centre at least, JP Elemental.
    Premades also run on JP Mana, but the PvP community is large and average Frontline PUGs have good skills, teamwork, coordination and tactic awareness to counter premades and make the contest close and enjoyable. Premades get more kills yes, but they don't necessarily win the match and scores are mostly close. When majority of your 24 random PUG players follow commands and advance/retreat together and focus on the same enemy target, fighting premades becomes a less struggle. There are still stomps sometimes of course especially if it's a 24 man match.

    For NA/EU where PvP community at least for now seem smaller and PUGs are relatively inexperienced, full premades from established veterans and PvP FCs would be more of an issue, and the experience of being farmed for giggles by premades can be very discouraging for newcomers and unhealthy for the future growth of the community. I can understand some might prefer the community to stay tight-knit among skilled players, but I think for the PvP content to thrive it also needs to accommodate and encourage newcomers and help them learn and enjoy. After all Frontline is supposed to be the more "casual" part of PvP.

    I agree that limiting premade party size to 4 is probably the easiest workaround to level the playing ground a little bit while still allowing playing with friends. Dividing the queue into solo/premade might not work unfortunately if the community is too small.
    Last edited by Lisieta; 12-31-2016 at 11:02 PM.

  9. #9
    Culfinrandir's Avatar
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    You hit the nail so squarely on its head I heard the thud from here. You've summed up the major issues with Frontlines & PVP in general. The other problem, hacking (mainly speed), is tied closely to the pre-made issue. If you know the hacker, as they're on your team, then you are far less likely to report them given that they offer you a huge advantage. There are teams on Primal centred around FCs who are as blatant as it gets at times but proving it is much more difficult if you can't select the player & get the name.

  10. #10
    TheMax1087's Avatar
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    I'll have to say this is a bad idea, as anything that prevents people from queuing into something that already has a low queue amount but doesn't do anything to increase the amount is essentially a non starter.

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