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  1. #1
    Allcars's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Limsa Lominsa
    Yubaba Yuba
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    Scholar Lv 80

    Crafting ideas for Carpenters.

    As a level 50 carpenter, all I do is either make bows that nobody wants and spears everyone wants. In 2.0 I really want to be able to make furniture for mog-houses, ls housing, airship parts.

    Who else would be interested in doing some real carpentry, instead of making some shoes and weapons every once in awhile.

    If possible I would like all the crafting classes to have a roll in crafting things for air ships, and housing.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yeah i agree with you. I think that there could me substance to the amount of stuff any guild craft does. The guildleve reasons/stories are interesting, but your right when i crat now, its material logs in to lumber, bow, spear, arrow, repeat. and no one wants it, because ifrit weapons are better, and heck you can get to 50 in a week are so depending on how fast you grind.
    It would be cool to make furniture for the Mog houses, storage space yes please!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    For profit I make CNJ Wands (Tremors/Gales sell best), Mahogany Pattens, various lances/bows, and fishing poles. If you really want to get ambitious you can HQ mats out of logs and sell the HQ lumber, it goes pretty high on my server. I make a little of each of those and throw them on my 2 retainers and they all sell within a day or two.