Just curious if you folks have any tried & true methods for achieving SpiritBond quickly and efficiently.

Are you forming SpiritBond parties wearing low level gear? If so what is the best mob-level to player-level ratio?

Are you grinding open world mobs?

Grinding Leves? (This is what I've been doing...grinding level 20 leaves @ 5 stars on my lvl 34 Archer wearing lvl 1 gear...for 2 days...bond almost full.)

Does being Power-leveled dramatically increase SpiritBond rate?

At this point I am just trying to turn some lvl 1 gear into Materia to enhance some lvl 8 gear for my lvl 8 Pug.

Maybe I don't fully understand the whole concept but how am I supposed to get Materia for Lvl appropriate gear when I level much faster than the Spirit Bonds to the gear I am wearing?

Any and all suggestions appreciated.