ATM I am a ilvl 171 blm looking to start an Alexander Raid group.
I started late and heavy in April and by the end of May I had all content cleared in 2.0.
Now I\\'m looking to take that extra step by starting or joining a static.
Ideally the group would consist of but not locked to:

I have 2 goals and those are to have every member in full Raid gear by next patch. Second but most importantly is having 7 other ppl that are as friendly as I am and competent.
I don\\'t expect pro players but I do expect us all to grow and help each other become better.
Over night groups take time to get comfortable with each other and not everyone is a fit. Rotten apples will be trashed.
Best way to get a hold of me is in game. (Matthis Martehr)
Good Luck.