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  1. #41
    Dirk's Avatar
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    Not a test by any means, but wanted to record some findings I'm working through with some FC mates of mine!

    Fliegar, Exodus Server
    Attempting: Iris Purple
    Chocobo Rank: 5
    1st 6hr // Stable : Good
    Fed 8 O'ghoromo Berries
    - 4 berries in, "...growing new feathers!"
    - 4 berries in, "...growing new feathers!"
    Result: Gobbiebag Brown

    2nd 6hr // Stable : Good
    Fed 7 O'ghoromo Berries
    Fed 4 Valfruit
    - 4 berries in, "...growing new feathers!"
    - 2 berries in, "...growing new feathers!"
    - 4 fruits in, "...growing new feathers!"
    Result: Plum Purple

    3rd 6hr // Stable : Good
    Fed 6 O'Ghoromo Berries
    Fed 2 Valfruit
    No message recieved on either application of snacks.
    Result: ....
    Waiting on result to see if we can achieve Iris Purple shade, without waiting on a message from in game.

    Another FC mate of mine achieved the color he wanted using the previous suggestion from our previous listing of colors. But going to post it here for data gathering sake anyway!

    Zelkeva, Exodus
    Attempting: Rose Pink
    Chocobo Rank: 10

    1st 6hr // Stables: Good
    1xO'Ghomoro Berries
    1xXelphatol Apple

    Message Status: Got the message multiple times, exact moments of "when" were not remembered. But he did receive the message multiple times during the course of his feeding! ( [Edit #1] )
    Result: Rose Pink
    So, the previous list of combinations does sometime work if the RNG is feeling generous! Don't give up hope if you're using the previous thread as well! Going to gather more information!
    Last edited by Dirk; 08-23-2014 at 02:28 AM.

  2. #42
    lvicious's Avatar
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    Well for what it's worth I am royal blue and I just fed him 1 Xelphatol apple and received the devour and plumage change in 6hrs message and that's all I'm going to do until then. If it matters our stable is in good condition. I'm more interested to see how much of a change in color he moves with minimal feed and msg.

  3. #43
    Jayne422's Avatar
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    Getting a lot of good data, some good theories, and much more organized experimentation everyone. I think we're on the right track to cracking the system this way.

    I've made several updates to the original post to help organize it better. I also added a section detailing specific ways that people can help if they're a little lost on how to contribute or if they don't want to actually run an experiment. If anyone has any further ideas one what they would like to see tracked in the original post, any mistakes that need correcting, suggestions in general, please post them.

    EDIT: Would love to get some Moderator feedback and thoughts on how they think this thread is going, if there's any hints that they can give us, if the Moderators themselves are having to experiment with this feature, etc.
    Last edited by Jayne422; 08-23-2014 at 01:48 AM.

  4. #44
    LyricalMelody's Avatar
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    My husband's chocobo:
    He stops feeding when he first gets the new feather message.

    start color: Desert Yellow: Fed 3 berries => new feathers msg => Result: UI Brown
    start color: UI Brown: Fed 3 berries => new feathers msg => Result: Aldgoat Brown
    start color: Aldgoat Brown: Fed 1 berry => new feathers msg => Result: Shale Brown
    start color: Shale Brown: Fed 2 berry => new feathers msg => Result: waiting
    Last edited by LyricalMelody; 08-23-2014 at 06:27 AM.

  5. #45
    lvicious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LyricalMelody View Post
    My husband's chocobo:
    He stops feeding when he first gets the new feather message.

    Fed 3 berries, got the new feathers message. Result: UI Brown
    Fed 3 berries, got the new feathers message. Result: Aldgoat Brown
    Fed 1 berry, got the new feathers message. Result: waiting
    That is what I had up to the Ui when I started and it's in line with this guy and others I've seen.

  6. #46
    Laveah's Avatar
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    Ok so i'm volunteering for Sadana's experiment. I'm only using Doman Plum

    Stable: Good
    Weather: Clear
    Staring Color: Desert Yellow
    1st 6hrs: All feeding done right at the start

    1st plum: Tootsie Devours the Doman plum. Toostie's plumage will change in 6hrs
    2nd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum
    3rd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie is beginning to grow new feathers!
    4th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootisie is beginning to grow new feathers!
    Result: Sylph Green

    Stable: Good
    Weather: Overcast
    Starting Color: Sylph Green
    2nd 6hrs: All feeding done right at start

    1st plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie's plumage will change in 6hrs
    2nd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    3rd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    4th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    5th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    6th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    7th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    8th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie is beginning to grow new feathers. Plumage will change in 5hrs 57mins.
    Result: Snow white um wow

    Starting Color: Snow White
    3rd 6 hrs: All feeding done right at start

    1st plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie's plumage will change in 6hrs
    2nd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    3rd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie is beginning to grow new feathers. Plumage will change in 5hrs 59mins.
    Result: Ice Blue

    Weather: Fair
    Starting Color: Ice Blue
    4th 6hrs: All feeding done right at start

    1st plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie's plumage will change in 6hrs. Tootsie is beginning to grow new feathers!
    Result: Celeste Green

    Stable: Good
    Weather: Clear
    Starting Color: Celeste Green
    5th 6hrs: All feeding done right at start

    1st plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie's plumage will change in 6hrs.
    2nd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    3rd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    4th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    5th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    6th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    7th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    8th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    9th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie is beginning to grow new feathers. Plumage will change in 5hrs 56mins.
    Result: Sky Blue

    Stable: Good
    Starting Color: Sky Blue
    6th 6hrs: All feeding done right at start...I think I hit a limit with the Doman plums so I added other fruit but that I didn't get the grow new feather message on any of them.

    Doman Plums:
    1st plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum. Tootsie's plumage will change in 6hrs.
    2nd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    3rd plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    4th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    5th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    6th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    7th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    8th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    9th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    10th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    11th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    12th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.
    13th plum: Tootsie devours the Doman plum.

    Xelphatol Apple:
    1st apple: Tootsie devours the Xelphatol Apple.
    2nd apple: Tootsie devours the Xelphatol Apple.
    3rd apple: Tootsie devours the Xelphatol Apple.
    4th apple: Tootsie devours the Xelphatol Apple.
    5th apple: Tootsie devours the Xelphatol Apple.

    Celdales Pineapple:
    1st pineapple: Tootsie devours the Cieldalaes pineapple.
    2nd pineapple: Tootsie devours the Cieldalaes pineapple.
    3rd pineapple: Tootsie devours the Cieldalaes pineapple.
    4th pineapple: Tootsie devours the Cieldales pineapple.
    5th pineapple: Tootsie devours the Cieldales pineapple.
    Result: Sky blue (no change from starting color
    Last edited by Laveah; 08-25-2014 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Updates

  7. #47
    Narycia's Avatar
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    Blood Red + 1 O'Ghomoro Berries got me to Dalamud Red

  8. #48
    Nyalia's Avatar
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    My current theory on why an equal number of feedings does not result in the same plumage: There is RNG involved in whether or not a given feeding counts (or a random amount of color is affected, which is the same thing really). When you get the "New Feathers" message, you've hit a new color. So, starting from Desert Yellow, no matter how many Berries you give your choco, if you stop after the first "New Feathers" (not Plumage, New Feathers, they're different messages!), your chocobo will switch to Ui Brown. Then, from Ui Brown, feeding berries until you get the "New Feathers" message means your choco will switch to Aldgoat Brown.

    However, in that first feeding session, you did not have to stop after the "New Feathers" message. If you kept feeding the choco Berries, every new feeding would result in the "New Feathers" message appearing again because the color is already queued to change. But, there is still only a random chance that the Berry will count. What this means is, after the first message, you have no idea if the snacks you feed your choco had any effect or not, but there is a chance that they did and a chance that they didn't.

    So, feeding your Desert Yellow choco 3 Berries and getting the "New Feathers" message and then feeding him a fourth Berry all in one feeding session could result in him winding up Ui Brown or Aldgoat Brown. You won't know if that 4th Berry counted until you see the results. You could feed him 7 Berries all at once after the first message, and you could get a Ui Brown choco if only one worked, or Aldgoat Brown if two worked, or tons of other colors if other amounts worked.

    If I'm right, then while feeding your a ton of snacks all at once can get you a cool color instantly, it's very random if you'll get what you want or not. To guarantee the color, you will have to stop after each "New Feathers" message, wait 6 hours, and then do the next food. It isn't that the other food is wasted, it's that you do not know if it counted or not.
    (The links below are sadly outdated. I hope to get around to updating things at some point.)
    Desynthesis Guide:

    Airship Guide: (\v/) Airship Quick Reference:
    Airship Logsheet: (/|\) Airship Builder Tool:

  9. #49
    HiliteOrin's Avatar
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    I pasted the first of my results in the old thread but I like the goal of this thread so I'll repost here with my updated feedings:

    First Feeding:

    Rank 1 Chocobo (lol...), I fed 3 Doman Plums followed by 3 Valfruit and got no "new feathers" message. Then I fed 2 more Doman Plums and got the message "[Chocobo] is beginning to grow new feathers!". I then fed 2 more Valfruit but got no additional messages. Total is 5 Doman Plums and 5 Valfruit. The resulting color is "Sylph Green". I will post again with my results after the next feeding.

    Second Feeding:

    Fed 3 O'ghomoro Berries and after the third I got the "new feathers" message. I then fed two more O'ghomoro Berries followed by 5 Doman Plums, and with each feeding I got the "new feathers" message every single time. I don't know if that is significant or not but it's something I noticed so I wanted to report it. I then stopped feeding and the resulting color was Celeste Green.

    Third Feeding:

    This time, I fed it 3 O'ghomoro Berries and got the "new feathers" message on the third berry and stopped. The resulting color was Sky Blue.

    The stable condition was always "Good" for every feeding, on the off chance that that has some sort of effect.
    Last edited by HiliteOrin; 08-23-2014 at 10:07 AM. Reason: Edited for potential confusing wording

  10. #50
    Pterois's Avatar
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    So i have only used pineapples at this point.

    1st feeding was 10 - "featers changing" Changed to Honey Yellow
    2nd was 19 - No message except "devoured fruit" no change
    3rd feeding 15ish - Same as above. no message no change.
    "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."

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