Returning 1.0/2.1 vet looking for a progression FC and/or static.

Left before my last progression static beat T5 but know all phases. Beat original three EX primals and looking to run the new ones. My current FC has become more casual than I would like and am looking for mature, friendly, and helpful people to run end game content with. Not looking for a carry group, just want to find like minded people to run content with, as PF/DF groups have become more and more scarce. I'm very active now (no school yay!), helpful, willing to lead and teach new members also wanting to experience end game. Also interested in PVP, Hunts, Beastman dailies, etc.

SMN/BLM is ilvl97 with animus (working on novus) and Book of Spades with some weathered gear. BRD is ilvl90. 3-star craftsman save for Blacksmith and Armorsmith.

Looking forward to finding a new gang of players.