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  1. #181
    Moirear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoneyBiscuit View Post
    Right? I always heal the tank in a FATE. There is no reason not to. I have to cast maybe 2 cures over the course of like 30 seconds usually. And if you're high enough level to use regen you should be able to spare one global cooldown to keep them alive. I even hop off my mount to heal people I see struggling outside of FATEs when I'm running by. Dying sucks, nobody like dying (actually I kind of do), my role exists to prevent dying so that's what I do. And they always thank me for my help.
    In an earlier stage of beta for 2.0, FATEs didn't reward your contribution properly if you healed people. They later changed it well before release so that enmity generated in FATEs would determine your contribution and rewards. There's this super-persistent and FALSE myth that healing in FATEs doesn't allow you to get gold, and people are still spreading it and saying that you need to "claim" FATE mobs or deal enough damage to get gold.

    As a matter of fact, you could sit in a FATE and do nothing but overheal a tank at full health who's targeted by FATE mobs, and get Gold every time even though your contribution was, on a practical level, worthless.

    On a practical level though, the enmity generated from healing is high, and its value in healing someone who has top enmity in a FATE is priceless, so healers should be doing it, not casting crummy attack spells when there's actual DPS and tanks around.

    Yeah, it's a pet peeve of mine, too.

  2. #182
    ispano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lxSch View Post
    It is also the weakest (10%) damage mitigation buff tanks have. Tanks also have passive mitigation such as parry (all tanks) and block (pld).
    Tanks? The big thing about Eye for an Eye is it affects the mobs damage output to EVERYONE. Like on Titan for example, that 10% reduction affects Tumults and such.

  3. #183
    Rydiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lxSch View Post
    My main is healer role and i can tell watching enmity is healer's responsibility. Every white mage can have a medica II and Holy fest, but a bit later he will inevitably die. Same happens when you don't watch who you heal (including bad tanks). Let him die and save the rest.
    I get what he's saying though, I don't know what skills are necessary as a WAR, but I've been getting Stone Vigil a lot in DR lately, and a lot of tanks that only focus on one mob, totally ignoring the others. Its not uncommon for me to rip a couple of dragons off them with one cure. I also know how to watch my enmity, but sometimes...I'd rather heal through it and finish the run instead of slowing it down trying to teach someone a lesson.

    Things that annoy me? As DRG its tanks that constantly spin the mob around.

    As a healer, people that don't even try to get out of AoE's. Got out of it a little too late? That's fine, it happens....But if you just stand there and take a huge hit to the face because you didn't feel like moving...that's when I start getting annoyed.

  4. #184
    Player Eidolon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PixelPirate View Post
    I'm gonna say NO. 99% of those who use Fluid Aura at level 50... haven't learned what you have learned. I wish there could be a Fluid Aura License that people have to pass a certification process to obtain. Hey, you could teach the courses!
    While I appreciate the kind words, I'm nothing special. Most top-end WHM's know this sort of stuff. :3 and I'm moreso a top-end Derpgoon <3

  5. #185
    SummonerSenah's Avatar
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    My favorite thing to do while leveling WHM was pop regen on people during Fates that were high enough level for me to use Regen. It worked pretty well for getting gold, even if I didn't attack a single mob.

    As far as the topic goes, tanks that would rather their party DPS not AoE (even when it's appropriate) because they get irritated by having to maintain AoE threat.

  6. #186
    chocomaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SummonerSenah View Post
    As far as the topic goes, tanks that would rather their party DPS not AoE (even when it's appropriate) because they get irritated by having to maintain AoE threat.
    This so much. To take it to another level, I once had a tank pull 2-3 packs of mobs each pull and would complain that people are aoe'ing. (total of around 6-7 mobs in a pull)

    "Why are you aoe'ing, follow the kill order!"

  7. #187
    Hainricher's Avatar
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    From healer point of view.

    Tank who thinks all DF party can speedrun dungeon. Not all party set have high DPS.

  8. #188
    OnyxStrife's Avatar
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  9. #189
    lxSch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ispano View Post
    Tanks? The big thing about Eye for an Eye is it affects the mobs damage output to EVERYONE. Like on Titan for example, that 10% reduction affects Tumults and such.
    Blind, virus, storm's path and rage of halone also affect the aoe damage bosses do. But for tanks it's one of the weakest damage mitigation buffs. Tank would cycle 20-30-40% reduction buffs during the fight + all parries and blocks (25% mitigation per).

    Quote Originally Posted by Rydiah View Post
    I get what he's saying though, I don't know what skills are necessary as a WAR, but I've been getting Stone Vigil a lot in DR lately, and a lot of tanks that only focus on one mob, totally ignoring the others. Its not uncommon for me to rip a couple of dragons off them with one cure. I also know how to watch my enmity, but sometimes...I'd rather heal through it and finish the run instead of slowing it down trying to teach someone a lesson.

    Things that annoy me? As DRG its tanks that constantly spin the mob around.

    As a healer, people that don't even try to get out of AoE's. Got out of it a little too late? That's fine, it happens....But if you just stand there and take a huge hit to the face because you didn't feel like moving...that's when I start getting annoyed.
    I let someone's hp drop very low before i start healing in such cases and they actually improve a lot during the fight. If healer dies it is impressive how long some people can stay alive - all they needed to do is to start paying attention. Getting to low hp or even dying acts like a trigger for them. This is not a very nice thing to do, but people really improve this way.

  10. #190
    Assirra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moirear View Post
    In an earlier stage of beta for 2.0, FATEs didn't reward your contribution properly if you healed people. They later changed it well before release so that enmity generated in FATEs would determine your contribution and rewards. There's this super-persistent and FALSE myth that healing in FATEs doesn't allow you to get gold, and people are still spreading it and saying that you need to "claim" FATE mobs or deal enough damage to get gold.

    As a matter of fact, you could sit in a FATE and do nothing but overheal a tank at full health who's targeted by FATE mobs, and get Gold every time even though your contribution was, on a practical level, worthless.
    You say its a myth yet i had it happen a couple times when doing atma griding.
    Its real, not a month ago there was a thread on the balmung server that a healer didn't get anything from odin (not even bronze) cause he was only healing since the start.
    Happened with me a couple times aswell.

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