This is a terrible tool for leveling... yes the bonus EXP at the end is nice, but been level 40 and thrown into a level 15 dungeon, earning level 15 dungeon experience for 40-60 minutes basically cancels out the bonus EXP that we earn, if we compare it to a lvl 40 player going through a lvl 40 dungeon in 40-60 minutes.

Only reason I keep queuing is because of the chance for a Primal battle (very quick) or slightly higher level dungeon that can actually give me decent XP per minute AND bonus XP at the end!

The obvious fix is just to scale exp to the current player level for each mob killed... after all what matters to players is per unit of time spent, not what level each mob is.

At this rate, it's better to queue to see if you get lucky (and withdraw if you don't) and keep grinding fates outside of the down time. This isn't healthy player behaviour - but it is optimal EXP behaviour.