Hey guys could use a little help here,

So I've been following a guide on here for getting HQ on 80 Durability 2 star items and it works wonders but if i follow the same rotation on 80 durability 1 star items RNG comes into play, if all my basic touches are at normal condition this leaves me at 12% and when i get around to BB it pushes me to 96% (also on normal)

My stats are as follows

Craftmanship 348
Control 340
CP 376 (With Food)

I will post below the rotation i have been using but Im looking for a new 1 that works on 1 star items 100%.

If someone has a link to one that works that would be great, the crafts i have are also as follows

Culinarian/Weaver/Alchemist/Leatherworker/Carpenter 50

Goldsmith 42

Blacksmith/Armorer 15