Something I've been wondering. Can a FC buy multiple houses/lands in the same region? I know that S-E mentioned that we can get different ones in different regions. Like make the limsa a vacation home and uldah the real one

For example: FC buys multiple plot of lands in the Limsa region and build multiple houses under their name.

This thought popped up because just like some people. I look forward to housing but don't really like the thought that I'll most likely won't be able to be creative with furniture. As the role will most likely be placed in the hands of the leader and/or officers. Thus popped the thought of..."What about buying multiple houses. Buy a L size one to turn into a Headquarter. And S-size and M-size houses could then be bought for somewhat personal use for FC members."

Basically something to somewhat appease those that are really itching to obtain a house without having to create their own FC or wait 6(7.5 including time before patch 2.1) long months for it.