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  1. #371
    Fireye's Avatar
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    Any Luck with Marine Wax Builds?
    I've had some good luck with an Unkiu/Whale build, gotten three in the past week, here's the latest two:

    My build is Unkiu everything, except for a Whale bridge. That results in 90surv, 55retr, 70 speed, 130 range, 90 favor.

    The goal of the build is to go slowly after minions, music and other rare drops. I've been running them on a 5-stop route since I made the upgrades to them a week or two ago:

    I've gotten a couple minions after I changed to the above build, and then a two or three of the marine wax. Still have yet to see a colossus slab, darn S-E RNG.

  2. #372
    StouterTaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geekgirl101 View Post
    I've been using it myself to make sure it works as it should, so far seems fine although some of the exp calculations in the master voyage log seem a little off as well as survey/travel time calculations in the trip planner sheets (these were also slightly off on the Airship Log Database due to some randomness between sectors.)
    The survey/travel times are pretty easy to get exact with a speed 5 sub:
    					1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16
    Home				1	0	7660	14325	18175	20455	16370	28230	11810	15415	12095	31940	19280	29240	20055	25315	27135
    The Ivory Shoals		2	7660	12600	9915	11450	18650	11495	21670	15900	20805	13585	25105	16120	27940	24105	18905	22290
    Deep-sea Site 1			3	14325	9915	12600	7070	11205	7570	16850	14725	19970	11575	18770	8225	18650	21290	12795	13305
    Deep-sea Site 2			4	18175	11450	7070	16800	16835	6455	14080	20885	26585	16505	14140	10620	23170	27275	7580	12375
    The Lightless Basin		5	20455	18650	11205	16835	16800	18285	18390	17285	19485	17685	22655	15160	13110	22015	20345	17045
    Deep-sea Site 3			6	16370	11495	7570	6455	18285	21000	20250	17140	23395	11660	18825	6965	22345	22710	10255	12915
    The Southern Rimilala Trench	7	28230	21670	16850	14080	18390	20250	21000	31065	35305	28410	10170	21445	26055	37340	14520	17300
    The Umbrella Narrow		8	11810	15900	14725	20885	17285	17140	31065	25200	6430	6230	33025	15540	21340	8535	26030	24260
    Offender's Rot			9	15415	20805	19970	26585	19485	23395	35305	6430	29400	12615	38185	21265	23350	8460	31830	29390
    Neolith Island			10	12095	13585	11575	16505	17685	11660	28410	6230	12615	29400	28880	10680	20825	11630	21055	20005
    Unidentified Derelict		11	31940	25105	18770	14140	22655	18825	10170	33025	38185	28880	33600	19420	25560	37995	9140	12295
    The Cobalt Shoals		12	19280	16120	8225	10620	15160	6965	21445	15540	21265	10680	19420	33600	15855	19185	11860	9415
    The Mystic Basin		13	29240	27940	18650	23170	13110	22345	26055	21340	23350	20825	25560	15855	37800	21205	22990	15620
    Deep-sea Site 4			14	20055	24105	21290	27275	22015	22710	37340	8535	8460	11630	37995	19185	21205	42000	30915	27385
    The Central Rimilala Trench	15	25315	18905	12795	7580	20345	10255	14520	26030	31830	21055	9140	11860	22990	30915	42000	8225
    The Wreckage of Discovery 1	16	27135	22290	13305	12375	17045	12915	17300	24260	29390	20005	12295	9415	15620	27385	8225	46200
    ex - going from Ivory Shoals (2) to Cobalt Shoals (12), the travel time in minutes is row 2, column 12 value divided by sub speed (the same travel time exists both ways, so you could also use row 12, column 2). The survey time for Cobalt Shoals (12) in minutes is row 12, column 12 divided by sub speed.

    So the time of your journey of Ivory Shoals to Cobalt Shoals is [(0,2) + (2,2) + (2,12) + (12,12)] / Sub Speed (this time is in minutes) + 12 hours (there's no return to base time figured in after the last zone, but there's an arbitrary 12 hours added to every journey)

    Here's a trip planner with dead on times.

  3. #373
    Ludovik's Avatar
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    Thank you Marcellus and Fireye! I will try some of your suggestions!

  4. #374
    ROYALnb's Avatar
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    Why wouldn't it be a good idea to use every whale part ?

  5. #375
    DrWho2010's Avatar
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    i don't think the capacity is there for a submarine to be comprised of all whale parts. you have to mix and match some pieces.

  6. #376
    Dustytome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROYALnb View Post
    Why wouldn't it be a good idea to use every whale part ?
    Unlike airship parts, submersible parts jumble the stats between teirs and the whale parts combined have extremely low surveillance which you need a higher amount of if you want a chance at the rarer items (pets, music sheets, rare materials).

    Quote Originally Posted by DrWho2010 View Post
    i don't think the capacity is there for a submarine to be comprised of all whale parts. you have to mix and match some pieces.
    Should be just under the limit if you really wanted to go all whale, but unless you want to be swimming in materials that have been around since HW there's not much point to it.
    Last edited by Dustytome; 07-26-2018 at 06:04 AM.

  7. #377
    Ludovik's Avatar
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    Which is really quite sad, some of the airship models are very pretty when you build the entire ship - but they are quite bad when built that way it would seem. So until we get airship and submarine "glamours" we will have to settle for the model ones

  8. #378
    Frysia's Avatar
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    What is the suggested setups for rare items? I've been running 115/55/45/130/70 for a couple weeks now and I've yet to get any rare items or get anything over a C rating. Is it suggested to only send to one location at a time or multiple?

  9. #379
    DrWho2010's Avatar
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    a lot of rare item acquisition is rng dependent on the weather/turbulence conditions when your sub reaches the sector. For example for Colossus Slabs, you hopefully should get one if the report said the seas were clear and calm.

  10. #380
    Dustytome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frysia View Post
    What is the suggested setups for rare items? I've been running 115/55/45/130/70 for a couple weeks now and I've yet to get any rare items or get anything over a C rating. Is it suggested to only send to one location at a time or multiple?
    Send to multiple locations and make sure to keep up with repairs if the parts are getting low. I may just be paranoid, but I seem to have horrible drops if any of the parts end up depleted by the end of a voyage.

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