Making this thread as a place for people to ask questions they'd like the dev team to answer, maybe with luck we'll get some answers

As for things I'd like to know

1: Every city has an NPC with a starmap showing the constellations with each having a colored star, giving each of the 8 cardinal directions an element, but does this have any bearing on any gameplay? There are many who believe it effects crafting, but many who say there is no evidence.

2:Likewise, the moon phase is specifically listed down to the percentage in the clock info and while it is useful in fishing and a couple quests, I wonder if there are other uses for it, specifically if it has any effect on drop rates?

2a: Similar to the above, aside from TH and specific cases (weakness or other prerequisites before an item will drop) are there any variables that affect the droprates on items?

3: Something I've noticed looking over the stats for the relic/emp/mythic weapons for mage classes is that they all seem to be designed with the intention of the mage using it to attack with and casting much less frequently, but it makes me wonder since I would assume the devs would be aware of how the playerbase in no way plays like that.