The menu item description for "Toraimarai coffer key" states incorrectly that it opens a treasure chest instead of a treasure coffer.


Platform: Windows 10 Pro 1903
Type of Internet Connection: DSL
Internet Connection Speed: 5 Mb
Date & Time: 9/27/2019m 11:00 am MDT
Frequency: all
Character Name: Tisa
Race: Elvan
World: Phoenix
Main Job: Red Mage
Support Job: Dancer
Area and Coordinates: Upper Jeuno H-8
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: n/a
Monster Name: n/a
1. View Satchel
2. Highlight "Tor. Coffer Key"
3. Item description says "A key that opens a treasure chest in the Toraimarai Canal."

4. Hightlight "Den Coffer Key"
5. Item description says "A key that opens a treasure coffer in the Rancor Den."