Design created with wisdom, thoughtful, intelligently constructed content and interfaces is what retains core fans and loyal customers. Character development and itemization progression especially is effected by this. Few FFXI sources of equipment/materials/shared areas equalize distribution of anything adequately without honorable interactions between players cooperating with each other with respect. It falls upon all the inhabitants of FFXI to hold each and every one of us accountable for the conduct we interact with. A bot user disregards the harmful consequences of the corrupt actions the third party cheat program is enabling them to perform. That completely upsets the entire breath of equality within the sphere of influence that the particular bot is effecting. SE has been apathetic for far too long concerning this and it has in-turn created a metaphoric nuclear arms race of ToS violations. The dirtiest and most immoral vying for supremacy for their tainted gains. This is why pay-to-win or pay-to-power-up exploitation or poorly created systems are denounced by genuine gamers and gamers that seek a reputable gaming experience.