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  1. #1
    Player LakshmiClouxx's Avatar
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    Jun 2018

    Please Update the Campaign

    Hopefully FFXI devs read these posts. I wanted to make a list of update changes that Campaign desperately needs. I am pretty much the only player on the Lakshmi server still loving and participating in campaign to try and push to the north, but it is still very difficult to do it alone. I am definitely the only player that still tries to enlist freelancers.

    -Please reduce the amount of influence needed to influence Freelancers to join your nation. It can take 2 - 3 hours of influencing a freelancer with no allegiance (who is far away from a zone) to join if he/she has 0 influence for your nation

    -Please take out the requirement to zone for continuing to influence freelancers


    -Please add capacity points as a reward alongside the experience points

    -Please allow AOE party-buffs to affect Allied Nation NPCs during campaign (bard songs, protectra, curaga, etc.)

    -Possibly give a slight power boost to the allied nation NPCs

    If anything I request here makes it sound like it'll be too easy for the allied nation to win, it won't. I've recruited every freelancer for my nation at one point and they still couldn't hold the northern bases without player support. The allied nations die so easily to the northern beastmen tribes also.

    Adding capacity point rewards will give much more player support back to this content in my honest opinion, so I hope that's not too much of a request to make.

    Please let me know if this is the incorrect place to request updates like these, thank you!
    Last edited by LakshmiClouxx; 06-25-2018 at 03:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Player Sirmarki's Avatar
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    Maybe add some RoE related tasks that focus on Campaign battle too. To give people an additional incentive.

  3. #3
    Player Zuidar's Avatar
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    They should also go and raise up EXP / Allied Notes calculations from any all actions and raise the total amount gained per tag assessment. Years back, they drastically nerfed EXP / Allied notes caculations from any actions because they worried about some people doing actions away from the battle and stuff. They should of undone at least some of the nerf and gave more allied notes. Considering Ilvl people now killing mobs too fast, this poses a problem because of the way calculations work for EXP and allied notes. At the time Campaign battles were an alternative for gaining EXP outside of party camps, but they didn't want people to rely on only that as a main source of exp so they nerfed it. I also understand how campaign Ops would provide other sources of exp and allied notes, but Campaign battles were the main thing
    Last edited by Zuidar; 06-26-2018 at 03:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Player Sirmarki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuidar View Post
    They should also go and raise up EXP / Allied Notes calculations from any all actions and raise the total amount gained per tag assessment. Years back, they drastically nerfed EXP / Allied notes caculations from any actions because they worried about some people doing actions away from the battle and stuff. They should of undone at least some of the nerf and gave more allied notes. Considering Ilvl people now killing mobs too fast, this poses a problem because of the way calculations work for EXP and allied notes. At the time Campaign battles were an alternative for gaining EXP outside of party camps, but they didn't want people to rely on only that as a main source of exp so they nerfed it. I also understand how campaign Ops would provide other sources of exp and allied notes, but Campaign battles were the main thing
    I believe it's time capped, so you can only earn so much EXP/AN per min(s) or whatever the time cap is.. Going in and AOE'ing the whole crowd wouldn't achieve much at all.

    I remember the 'people doing stuff outside of battle' thing - typically there were a bunch of bards standing by the NPC spamming songs and not engaging in battle.

  5. #5
    Player Zuidar's Avatar
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    Yes time capped. From the moment you get allied tags, you hardly get any reward from until some time has passed. So even if you did some stuff, you only get limited Exp/AN until some time has passed to get more. I think what you can do is just get allied tags then wait a while before attacking mobs and stuff. So like the whole threshold of actions towards EXP/AN goes up over time from the moment you get tags until it hits the overall cap depending on your medals, but I'm not sure exactly how many minutes does the threshold hit the cap from different actions

  6. #6
    Player LakshmiClouxx's Avatar
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    I absolutely agree with raising the experience too. With the highest medal, each average length battle caps you at 9k exp/5k notes. Thats not even... 1/3 of what you can make per hour killing mobs in the Adoulin content. Oh man, when campaign was first introduced I remember people were just skilling up on the fortifications without getting the tags, and they took that away also lol. In a sadistic sense, I enjoy being the only player roaming the campaign at times and controlling the flow of the region map, but I cannot take the castle by myself unless I had the gameplay time like I used to have back in 2004. So a couple of other players would be nice.

  7. #7
    Player LakshmiClouxx's Avatar
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    Well, whatever team works on game content updates. Its for them obviously.

  8. #8
    Player LakshmiClouxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zuidar View Post
    Shiyo, it's over. Rehashing and clinging onto the same argument isn't gonna help anything (if anything at all to begin with) after 2+ years and such a nerf now would obviously have a big negative impact on players, so what would that accomplish out of it? What kind of compensation would players (and/or SMNs and those that also have made Nirvanas) get out of it?. As it is, there's no point to keep begging for a nerf just because you feel like it. I don't think anyone would want to see at the very last minute a big nerf out of nowhere when it's been going on for years, I'd rather not.
    Ugh.. so Shiyo has been posting about his/her issue for a while now? Then the odds even campaign getting a nice update is slim to none...

  9. #9
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    It took 4 years for GEO to finally get "corrected" don't forget.

    3/13 ~ 2/17
    Last edited by Halley; 06-28-2018 at 03:38 AM.

  10. #10
    Player LakshmiClouxx's Avatar
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    Damn.. I signed up on these forums just to try and make my voice heard because for years I just logged on for the free log on campaign and just did... campaign lol. Now I have extra time and i've resubbed and been enjoying the new stuff. My next question was going to be if there was ANY other platform or technical support team we could contact to make any complaints/suggestions to, but it seems you've already dug down that rabbit hole Shiyo. I'm not familiar at all with end-game content but I am assuming you want to make it soloable now?

    Also Halley, do you know if GEO buffs affect allied nation NPCs in campaign??

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