As an up and coming Samurai I am experience problems with Ulmia and Qultada putitng up buffs such as Mages Ballad and Evokers Roll instead of beneficial buffs for a DD job.

I Dual box SAM + BARD .. then utilitize in this order: Arciella II, Sylvie (UC), Ulmia <or> Qultada, and Karaha Baruha

I put up Valor Minutte IV and V using Bard, and Ulmia will start off with both Madrigal songs, then about 10-15 minutes in switch to Mages Ballad. If use Qultada in place of Arciella II and have Ulmia out, both of them but up refresh based bufss. I don't need this for my mage trusts, as my main character should be priority for buffs, not other trusts.

With the loss of Cornelia this AI from trusts is detrimental to kill rate , and results in capacity chains being lost due to slower kills. This is a serious flaw in trust AI.

I've had to switch to Joachim who does not put up both Madrigals I want. I don't run into this problem with THIEF as main.