Platform: Windows
ISP: SuddenLink
Type of Internet Connection: CATV
Internet Connection Speed: 100Mbps
Date & Time: Jan 31 2018 2000 MST
Frequency: Once (and ongoing)
Character Name: Bombat
Race: TarutaruM
World: Asura
Main Job: BLM, LVL31
Support Job: SCH
Area and Coordinates: Windurst Walls
Party or Solo: Solo
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: N/A
Log into game - Echad Ring found in inventory
Log into game - Red Crab found in inventory
Log into game - Cipher: Kupofried expected but missing from inventory
Check delivery box in Mog House (Windurst Walls) - empty
Wait a week
Log into game - Cipher Kupofried and Vana'clock both missing from inventory/mog house