I heard that there was the possibility, however small of the devs considering a new expansion if there was interest, I just want to put this out there, that this idea makes me extremely happy....

I would love very much for there to be more, always more, for my favorite game of all time, I've played since US release, and I want to continue to, I honestly will keep playing regardless, as long as battle content keeps coming out, but I would be very happy if another large chunk of content came out, in whatever form, mini expansion or full, missions or new jobs and areas or not, revamp of the UI or Engine, monstrosity, whatever.

I don't know what all is possible, from the Dev's perspective for this game, but whatever it is, I'm in, I've got my nitpicks but overall I'm very happy with the direction this game has taken over the past years... I'm down for whatever may come, I just wanted to express my interest and desire for more.