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  1. #1
    Player camaroz's Avatar
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    Please address Monk's usefulness of Weaponskills

    Monk has literally been shoved in a closet and so are my Godhands. Monks WS are horrible and I mean on a scale of 1-10 it's in the negative. For some odd reason SE keeps adjusting the TP phase which is great but when your weaponskills do less than your tp phase there is a huge issue. I don't want an adjustment to blow other jobs away but just be competitive. I would like to be able to enjoy the job again and it is impossible to do so with the current WS status.

    I appreciate any time you give to this consideration.


  2. #2
    Player saevel's Avatar
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    Making Victory Smite transfer Damage bonus like CDC, Vorpal Blade and Resolution do would be a huge step in this direction. Is it possible to have a SE rep chime in on this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Raelix
    Ragnarok's aftermath is only 5% crit rate, even with lv99, so there's almost no point in using Scourge, you just spam Resolution. Even then you become just a boring meathead DD.

    Apoc with both Catastrophe and Entropy gives you crazy sustain of both HP and MP. With the Haste aftermath you can wear a ton of -PDT and solo almost any 75 content.
    Doing damage is for WAR's, DRK is about soloing 75 content yo.....

  3. #3
    Player Songen's Avatar
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    its dmg is seriously wrong, i mean in the sense that i had to file a bug report because its WS dmg was going from7-8k down over time then would drop to 2-3k consistantly for a while, then change up again to a different value even tho my attack and tp useage remained the same. i even tried gearing the job as best i could going as far to make store tp sets along side triple attack, acc, double attack, WS, stats etc etc etc, only for it to be a total dumpfest

  4. #4
    Player Jblauh's Avatar
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    Yeah I have to agree. I made a thread about Great Axe not having much power to their weapons skills and some explained to me how you can make awesome 5 step light skill chains that do loads of dmg and they can I've tested that right afterwards, but it isn't that simple. Not easy building TP like a Sam. It can be tough closing so yeah I think other jobs also need a good boost of some sort. I'd like to make a Chango to help correct this issue, but for a lot of us I think the reality is we won't get all those clears to make a Aeonic. The best I can do is attempt a relic GA. Even then it will take me a long long time to make. A lot of us don't have the time ppl who still play this do to make all these crazy ass weapons. It's no ones fault but it's the reality. In the time it takes for me to make a weapon to make my job serviceable for tough fights I'll be playing something else. Boom on less player and it is that way for a lot of ppl. I don't want the game to be easier but a little power boost to Victory Smite or Ukko's Fury might go a long way. I mean this person who made the thread had the Godhands. Ppl like me are screwed. lmfao

  5. #5
    Player Songen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jblauh View Post
    Yeah I have to agree. I made a thread about Great Axe not having much power to their weapons skills and some explained to me how you can make awesome 5 step light skill chains that do loads of dmg and they can I've tested that right afterwards, but it isn't that simple. Not easy building TP like a Sam. It can be tough closing so yeah I think other jobs also need a good boost of some sort. I'd like to make a Chango to help correct this issue, but for a lot of us I think the reality is we won't get all those clears to make a Aeonic. The best I can do is attempt a relic GA. Even then it will take me a long long time to make. A lot of us don't have the time ppl who still play this do to make all these crazy ass weapons. It's no ones fault but it's the reality. In the time it takes for me to make a weapon to make my job serviceable for tough fights I'll be playing something else. Boom on less player and it is that way for a lot of ppl. I don't want the game to be easier but a little power boost to Victory Smite or Ukko's Fury might go a long way. I mean this person who made the thread had the Godhands. Ppl like me are screwed. lmfao
    if your aiming for building tp fast and massive amounts of power, go for mythic Gaxe if you can't get aeonic, the aftermath is occ attack 2-3 times while also boosting attack and acc and its ability boost is berserk for more power. so you'll build tp faster than a sam unless he too has a mythic or HQ Soboro (Which dmg is less tho) and deal massive amounts of dmg with higher attack and acc, not to mention the faster tp build means your WSs will scale to higher dmg

  6. #6
    Player saevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Songen View Post
    if your aiming for building tp fast and massive amounts of power, go for mythic Gaxe if you can't get aeonic, the aftermath is occ attack 2-3 times while also boosting attack and acc and its ability boost is berserk for more power. so you'll build tp faster than a sam unless he too has a mythic or HQ Soboro (Which dmg is less tho) and deal massive amounts of dmg with higher attack and acc, not to mention the faster tp build means your WSs will scale to higher dmg
    Mythics AM3 is great for everything, except Warrior. Mythic AM3 can only proc on rounds where no other Multi-Attack has proced and WAR gets ridiculous amounts of natural Multi-Attack. In my Chango set I'm at 3% QA, 6% TA, 90% (yes 90%) DA. Conq's barely moves the TP meter. The real advantage is the increased power to Berserk and the 30% increase on King's Justice makes it work a lot more like Resolution. For offensive power Chango is the best, it really boosts Great Axe WS's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raelix
    Ragnarok's aftermath is only 5% crit rate, even with lv99, so there's almost no point in using Scourge, you just spam Resolution. Even then you become just a boring meathead DD.

    Apoc with both Catastrophe and Entropy gives you crazy sustain of both HP and MP. With the Haste aftermath you can wear a ton of -PDT and solo almost any 75 content.
    Doing damage is for WAR's, DRK is about soloing 75 content yo.....

  7. #7
    Player camaroz's Avatar
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    While I certainly appreciate War would like a response from the dev team or SE rep @Sicycre

  8. #8
    Player Songen's Avatar
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    file a bug report then (Altho you won't get a reply but they'll actually look into it someday),

    Don't complain here on the EVERYONE CAN REPLY part of the forum that you want only officials to reply, hard enough to get them to reply for confirmation of other things

    anyways, our responce to Gaxe has nothing to do with you (camaroz), we were replying to Jblauh

  9. #9
    Player camaroz's Avatar
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    Thanks for letting me know Songen you're the best. At any rate would certainly like to hear from the SE Rep @Sicycre

  10. #10
    Player Songen's Avatar
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    indeed, would be good if they let us know whats happening with hand to hand WSs, if it being this weak is intended or a bug or something

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