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Thread: Tripe Gripe

  1. #1
    Player Aysha's Avatar
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    Tripe Gripe

    Can someone please tell me why a Trust has an ability that makes your enemies stronger?

    I rather enjoy Chacharoon as a character, and I thought I'd call him out on some random derp content that wasn't all that serious, and it wasn't too long until I saw this:

    Chacharoon uses Tripe Gripe.
    (insert mob name here) gains the effect of Attack Boost. (or whatever that's called)

    And I'm like ".........what? Seriously?"

    I could see it, if the Trust was so awesome that this needed to be a balancing factor that sometimes he buffs his enemy, but that simply isn't the case.

    Chacharoon's physical attacks are rather weak (he uses a stick afterall), his ranged attacks aren't anything to celebrate, and the only thing he can do that does any damage whatsoever, is Pocket Sand which... at 119, hits for ~1500. woo.

    Is this a bug? Or maybe the chat log means that Chacharoon's attack was boosted instead of the enemy's?

  2. #2
    Player Domille's Avatar
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    he's a 50/50 novelty mascot. Buff you or buff them. for funsies cause he's a cute baby qq

    Not a "real" trust (even though more than half the "real" ones are mascots at best also.)
    Last edited by Domille; 02-10-2017 at 06:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Player Songen's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    Its for the pimpness of the battle, its for the making a man out of a man. its for making a boy out of a man, its for cuddly little hugs that make you face first on the floor and wonder if that little s**t was worth using.

    However yes, certain trusts function differently, however there is a use for chacharoon's buff to mobs that increases attack by 50% which no one realised. can you guess? noone? serious? ok, let me spell it out.
    D.A.R.K. K.N.I.G.H.T.
    one persons setup isn't used for all jobs or all mobs. a trust like charcharoon is one of those trusts that you need to be aware how it works, and set yourself up to beable to maximise their potential.
    Now then, as for dark knight, their absorb atribute spell is what makes charcharoon more of a trust for them, they get self enhancements and if the mob gets something, they can just take it from them (As long as it doesn't resist or absorb the wrong buff) however having said that, you wouldn't use it on every mobs. hell, smn can use charcharoom and atomos it for the ENTIRE party. or one up that and in beseiged/WKR/WoE/domain etc etc, atomos that shit and give for EVERYONE (Trusts and pc's alike) within that radious. there is potentual, just don't think of it as a useful one for all