As the title says, please add these shields.

A reasonable amount of shield skill on Aegis along with say Spell-Interruption-Down 30% would be a fantastic piece. Aegis's only shortcoming is getting a spell off when multiple things are hitting you. The standard spell interruption while still staying dt-capped is involves swapping belt, ammo, feet (odyssean), legs (founder's) and both earrings to otherwise suboptimal gear.

As for Ochain, I'd be perfectly happy with just a better blocker. Ilvl could have things like increased block value (DEF), straight normal armor defense, HP.

For most jobs, one or multiple of RMEA are the best weapons in the game but not by the distance that they used to be. Ochain could again become the best blocker and Priwen could and should be competitive while reprisal is up, even if there was also a boost to it's base block rate.