Pets and trusts not counting towards omen objectives
Type of Internet Connection: Cable
Internet Connection Speed: 100mbps
Date & Time: ~7 PM PST 15 Dec 2016
Frequency: The whole omen run
Character Name: Urmom
Race: Taru
World: Shiva
Job: Pup/whm
Area and Coordinates: Omen
Party or Solo: Party
NPC Name: None
Monster Name: Various omen monster
In-Game Time: unknown
1. Enter omen in a pt consisting of 2 pup/whm 1 cor/whm using Trust: Shantotoo II, King of Hearts and Karaha-Baruha. Receive time limited objectives that included do 3 skillchains, do 3 magic bursts, do 15 ws, do 9 physical ws, cast magic on enemy 9 times.

2. Automatons perform dozens of physical ws that create several skillchains but no credit for them was received. Shantotoo II magic bursts several of these skillchains no credit received. Shantotoo and King of hearts cast on the enemy but no credit received.

Basically lost a whole card because only direct player actions were counting for whatever reason. Figured this had to be a bug since otherwise many objectives just wouldn't be possible especially in the time limit for a lot of low man/solo combinations... and given you are want to be on the job you want cards from you can't just switch a job capable of doing as many of those as you want for card farming. I mean you can but at 10:1 it's even worse than missing most objectives