Not sure where to put this or if there would even be any interest in it. But with the Distant Worlds tour going on in America (tickets on sale for NJ tomorrow!), I wondered if there could ever be any English version of "Rhapsodies of Vana'diel", perhaps performed by Susan Calloway, who seems to be the go-to singer for Distant Worlds.

Not going to lie. Her renditions of "Melodies of Life" and "Suteki da Ne?" leave me a bit cold. She's great for "Answers" and "Dragonsong", though the songs were practically written for her. I do, however, imagine her vocals would be perfect for an English "Rhapsodies of Vana'diel" and would love for that to be included in the "Distant Worlds" repertoire one day.

With my own time on the game seemingly in its twilight days, I have to say I thought the song captured the spirit of the game when it's at its best and was a proper sendoff to the core storyline. It would be great to hear it to English lyrics.