I had noticed that on the JP Dev Tracker that there was talk of the possibility of implementing additional shuriken to the game. Crafting seemed to be the default response, but that will likely require a large amount of materials to have a flow of shuriken to use regularly. Abilities such as Sange go completely ignored due to the fact that getting great shuriken can be a real pain. For a job that relies so heavily on it's ammo, there are a really sad amount of options to choose from. Right now, the two best options are a Happo Shuriken +1 (which is extremely rare and only ilv118) and the Togakushi Shuriken from Titan. I'm lucky enough to be able to use the former and I cannot describe how afraid I am that I'll ever hit a ranged attack macro by mistake.

I'll admit, I didn't come up with this idea but I felt it needed to be discussed. With the addition of special ammo to the ranged RMEA, I figured that perhaps something similar could be added to the Ninja weapons. This would incentivize the creation of these weapons as well as offer serious Ninjas a little extra reward and some variety in their gear sets. I have always dreamed about something as silly as a Relic shuriken, and this seems like a way to implement it in a manner that seems fair.
