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  1. #1
    Player Malthar's Avatar
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    Still no sic/read delay -5 shield for bst?

    Come on, SE. Please can we have this? If you want us to get in range of the enemy mob this will do it! We need a shield like this to protect our behinds because they are tender and we get 1-shot easily.

  2. #2
    Player dasva's Avatar
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    Plus I mean they just gave us even more fencer gifts... gunna have to actually give us shields worth using if you want us to not dual wield... also put us on shields other heavy DDs get *cough* blurred shield *cough*

  3. #3
    Player Gwydion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malthar View Post
    Come on, SE. Please can we have this? If you want us to get in range of the enemy mob this will do it! We need a shield like this to protect our behinds because they are tender and we get 1-shot easily.
    I think no one wants to play 1-handed jobs with a shield, unless you're PLD. So.....Having said that, unless SE gives BSTs an ochain-like shield (i.e. awesome); I'd rather have an iLvL axe with sic/Ready-5. (Hell, I'd even take it as an augment to offhanding an REM weapon).

  4. #4
    Player bazookatooth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    I think no one wants to play 1-handed jobs with a shield, unless you're PLD. So.....Having said that, unless SE gives BSTs an ochain-like shield (i.e. awesome); I'd rather have an iLvL axe with sic/Ready-5. (Hell, I'd even take it as an augment to offhanding an REM weapon).
    Gonna have to agree. I have no interest in being the only single wielding DD in the game and I'm not giving up shadows or waltz for refresh gear willingly. I'd like a ready-5 axe with some decent pet stats though and maybe some pants to match.

  5. #5
    Player Malthar's Avatar
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    They are not going to give us a an iLevel sic/ready -5 axe. That's the unfortunate truth. The devs intend for bst to use an axe and a shield. You don't have to have an all powerful shield like an oChain or an aegis, just something that will keep you alive and block the occasional hit/AoE because the master shouldn't be taking hate from the pet. With that said, the best gear we can hope to replace the Charmer's Merlin is a shield with sic/ready ability delay -5. And I actually like DD'ing with an axe and a shield. I have a very good Primal Rend/Cloudsplitter build with decent TP gain (disclaimer: I do have an Aymur and most times keep AM3 up), and can put out better magic damage with them than the physical weaponskills available to bst. I did a 54k Cloudsplitter to Tojil after all. An ideal shield would look like this (with some combination of these augments):

    Small to mid-sized shield
    Some stat vomit
    High defense
    Damage Taken II -10
    Sic / Ready Ability Delay -5
    Fencer +2
    Pet: Damage Taken -10

    Who would complain about a shield like this?

  6. #6
    Player bazookatooth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malthar View Post
    They are not going to give us a an iLevel sic/ready -5 axe. That's the unfortunate truth. The devs intend for bst to use an axe and a shield. You don't have to have an all powerful shield like an oChain or an aegis, just something that will keep you alive and block the occasional hit/AoE because the master shouldn't be taking hate from the pet. With that said, the best gear we can hope to replace the Charmer's Merlin is a shield with sic/ready ability delay -5. And I actually like DD'ing with an axe and a shield. I have a very good Primal Rend/Cloudsplitter build with decent TP gain (disclaimer: I do have an Aymur and most times keep AM3 up), and can put out better magic damage with them than the physical weaponskills available to bst. I did a 54k Cloudsplitter to Tojil after all. An ideal shield would look like this (with some combination of these augments):

    Small to mid-sized shield
    Some stat vomit
    High defense
    Damage Taken II -10
    Sic / Ready Ability Delay -5
    Fencer +2
    Pet: Damage Taken -10

    Who would complain about a shield like this?
    I don't recall them explicitly saying that they wanted us to use a shield. Anyways, sure. I'd love that shield. I'd off hand it when my pet was tanking and / or swap it in during ready precast and then swap back to a TP bonus when the move goes off or w/e other axe is appropriate and stay dual wielding on the back line just like I do now. DTII-10 is nice, but I have to already have -50% in gear to take advantage of it and A) if I have to be anywhere near any monster that strong, there's better jobs to be on and B) you probably can't hit any monster that tough in full DT- gear on BST anyways without completely nerfing your pet. Stat vomit is irrelevant since you will spend all your time spamming ready and all your tp attempting to keep yourself alive (unless you sub a mage job. In which case, you will need refresh gear, further gimping your gear choices and increasing the amount of time that both you AND the pet aren't doing weapon skills).

    TLDR; The amount of twisting and oddball gear choices you would have to make to make using a shield anywhere near as good as what we currently do make it a nonstarter with only one more major update coming.

  7. #7
    Player Olor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malthar View Post
    They are not going to give us a an iLevel sic/ready -5 axe. That's the unfortunate truth. The devs intend for bst to use an axe and a shield. You don't have to have an all powerful shield like an oChain or an aegis, just something that will keep you alive and block the occasional hit/AoE because the master shouldn't be taking hate from the pet. With that said, the best gear we can hope to replace the Charmer's Merlin is a shield with sic/ready ability delay -5. And I actually like DD'ing with an axe and a shield. I have a very good Primal Rend/Cloudsplitter build with decent TP gain (disclaimer: I do have an Aymur and most times keep AM3 up), and can put out better magic damage with them than the physical weaponskills available to bst. I did a 54k Cloudsplitter to Tojil after all. An ideal shield would look like this (with some combination of these augments):

    Small to mid-sized shield
    Some stat vomit
    High defense
    Damage Taken II -10
    Sic / Ready Ability Delay -5
    Fencer +2
    Pet: Damage Taken -10

    Who would complain about a shield like this?
    I'd love that shield.

    I agree with folks saying they don't prefer to be a one-handed with shield DD (because let's face it, those suck)

    But I would be willing to go that direction if we were given decent equips. Right now we have nothing but garbage to use. There is seriously not a single shield worth using. Nor is there enough gear with both master and pet PDT/accuracy/attack etc

    If SE wants us to be more tanky - and get into range, they should give us some options to make that work. Frankly its their gear choices which have left us sitting on the sidelines. Only master or pet can be any good. Trying to gear for both means you suck completely. But every single piece of pet gear takes away stats from the master. There is not one example that I can think of where pet stats are an extra bonus on top - look at BST relic body vs WAR and you see what I mean.

    Nevermind that we are animation locked all the damn time if we are using our pets to their fullest. Really SE should just leave BST alone. For the first time since the game started we are generally useful in endgame. Just treat us like a pet focused ranger. We use pets rather than arrows.

    This nonsense where we are going to have to stand in AOEs while using skills is just outrageous and will make the job the worst it's ever been.
    Last edited by Olor; 08-14-2015 at 01:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Player Ulth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olor View Post
    I'd love that shield.

    I agree with folks saying they don't prefer to be a one-handed with shield DD (because let's face it, those suck)

    But I would be willing to go that direction if we were given decent equips. Right now we have nothing but garbage to use. There is seriously not a single shield worth using. Nor is there enough gear with both master and pet PDT/accuracy/attack etc

    If SE wants us to be more tanky - and get into range, they should give us some options to make that work. Frankly its their gear choices which have left us sitting on the sidelines. Only master or pet can be any good. Trying to gear for both means you suck completely. But every single piece of pet gear takes away stats from the master. There is not one example that I can think of where pet stats are an extra bonus on top - look at BST relic body vs WAR and you see what I mean.

    Nevermind that we are animation locked all the damn time if we are using our pets to their fullest. Really SE should just leave BST alone. For the first time since the game started we are generally useful in endgame. Just treat us like a pet focused ranger. We use pets rather than arrows.

    This nonsense where we are going to have to stand in AOEs while using skills is just outrageous and will make the job the worst it's ever been.
    I think SE finally noticed that, take a look at the Emicho set. Even the NQ augments seem pretty awesome, the HQ can only be better.

  9. #9
    Player bazookatooth's Avatar
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    What they really need to do is raise player HP across the board and stop giving monsters huge AOE spam. Powerful single target and conal attacks were fine. The only reason BST even matters at the moment is because people can't safely get near anything. All they are doing by adjusting BST is changing the go to DD job from BST to summoner, Nuker or RNG. The content will still be beat by the same people in the exact same way until they fix the root problem which is low player HP and huge AOE TP moves.

  10. #10
    Player dasva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post
    I think no one wants to play 1-handed jobs with a shield, unless you're PLD. So.....Having said that, unless SE gives BSTs an ochain-like shield (i.e. awesome); I'd rather have an iLvL axe with sic/Ready-5. (Hell, I'd even take it as an augment to offhanding an REM weapon).
    I want to do shield... partly because I don't like being pigeonholed into subbing something with dual wield. Now if they finally gave us dual wield like other jobs one hand dds that don't use shields I'd be more ok with not using shield. I mean no native dual wield and fencer and not being on any 2hd weapons kind of screams they want us to use shields but nope.

    Really though I'd be semi happy just with a sic/ready delay -5 so I wont completely kill my jug dps and can sub something besides dnc/nin. Heck yeah bst/cor!
    Last edited by dasva; 08-15-2015 at 01:36 PM.

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